The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, SEPTEMBER 7, 1969 POST Hinsdale Closes in By BOB BANES A HINSDALE RACEWAY COIlcluded its summer meeting Thursday night with A high handle of $157,947, a figure indicative of the action during the 104-night session. The New Hampshire track had a total handle of $12.001.851, for a $115,402 average per program. The average represented a 6.72 per cent increase over last year's $108,131. The handle increase also was refleeted in a $50,000 raise in purses. Track officials noto that the recent record peak in monies distributed will carry over to the 31-night fall mecting which starts Friday, Oct.

2.1. ED GILMAN and Wayne Colby shared driving laurels at the summer meet. Gilman recorded the most victories (71, a new track record), while Colby topped the Universal Driver Ratings (UDR). Gilman went to the post 418 times, duplicated his win total in the 1 place column and had 61 thirds. Jim Marshall was second in total wins with 54, followed by Colby (32).

Ernie lloule (28) and George "Buddy" Reed (23). Colby just edged Gilman in the UDE, .311 to .313. The rating is based on nine points for 2 win. five for second and three for third, with nine per start divided into the driver's accumulated point total. Following Colby and Gilman in the UDR were Bert Beckwith Houle (.302) and Harry Coleman FOR THE NUMEROLOGISTS in the crowd, llinsdale offered these vital statistics.

Post position one produced the most winners (187), followed by two (174), three (150), four (137), five (128), six (75), seven (G5) and eight (13). The 1-2 combination topped the TIME Style daily double Next was 1-1 Favorites 31 per cent list with six successes. public choices in the money 65 per cent. with five scores, came home winners of the time, with the go Miss Vermont, 18-year-old Tina Mancuso, receives a good luck kiss and a thank you from veteran jockey William Miller, winner of the recent Miss Vermont purse at Green Mountain Race Track. Miss Maneuso.

a native of North Adams, Mass. and a freshman at Trinity College, Burlington, will represent the Maple State in the Miss World contest in Baltimore, Ml. Sept. 20. MilJer brought home the longshot ('hick's Cadet in the feature.

Green Mountain is currently running its fall thoroughbred schedule with night racing Wednesdays through Saturdays at 7:15 and Sunday after. noons at 2. SOFTBALL "SLANTS The Championship Playoffs; started in the Chicopee Lengue be Wednesday The championship at with the Chicopee of winning a thriller from 6-5, behind the clutch hitting of TRIPLE A Kevin Corley, Steve Bigda and Bodolay Package Skip West. Don's Don rolled final round in over Moore's, 11-7. Dana Division of the Lounge edged the Boys Club, Pitch League 10-9.

Bridge Cafe defeated l'ost Smith and Wesson, 452. 5-3. by Jim Russell and open the scoring I IN.AL STANDINGS Packaging men American league (inning. Joan 11 1. sixth with A Don's Den 21 doubles by Joc Dana 17 4 George Ross Lavoie 17 4 insurance runs.

Post 432 13 11 81 Bay State Fuel, 3SErs 12 12 9 overall leader for Clarky's 11 13 10 turned back Bodolay, Max's FF 16 for the division West End 6 18 15 In the other Hu Ke Lou 4 20 17 Bank beat Monarch, National league the Monarchs 1. GB back for 7 20-4 Bridge 16 7 second game of the Kol 16 7 The deciding game HOLYONE LEAGUE Holyoke Memorials won the Holyoke Parks League championship by defeating the Elm Cale. 11-9. in eight innings. The Elms wore leading.

7-3, after' five Innings. the sixth, the Memorials scored three Tom Kane. the hard hitting' Memorials third lashed a single to conter after the Elms had retired the first man in the seventh. Kane advanced to second on flyout, then scored the ticing on an error. In the top of the eighth, the Memorials scored four runs.

Kane driving in three with al two out. bases loaded double. The Memroails finished with a record of 23-1, includinga 19 0 in the regular season. Soccer Officials To Meet Monday Boys Club 14 9 2lries will be played Monday at: Moore's 13 10 3 Blung Park Diamond No. 4 at' A Pioneer Valley Soccer Peter Pan 10 with the winner mireting Officials Association mecting is 'Andres 10 13 6 Bay State Fuel to open scheduled Monday night at 8, Bosch Rogers 7 3 20 16 13 9 nal Park series No.

1. Wednesday at Blunt at East Tongmeadow Wish. School, F44 co a total Prate DR. SAM'S MEDICAL HOLD Dr. Sam Sheppar' applies his "medical hold" to professional wrestler Porky the Pig i in Detroit match.

Dr. Sheppard spent 10 years in prison after conviction on a charge of murdering his wife. The verdict was over. turned by U'. 5.

Supreme Court. Non, Dr. Sam has a new life for him. self in wrestling. Sports Memories By FRANK RICH (45 Years Ago) LOUISVILLE, Ky.

Jue Stocher of Nebraska pinned Vladek Zbyszko of Poland in 1.45.14 in a match for the Heavyweight Mat Championship. The long battle was witnessed hy a large crowd. seemed headed for victory after clamping on several ON the wiry Stocher but the body scissors expert caught the Pole and the end came. It was agreed by both corners that should the match go over an hour, one fall would decide the winner. Zbyszko weighed 220 and Stocher, 215.

WATERBURY, ('t. At Brassco Park, the Springfield Ponies fell into fourth position in the Eastern League when "Dutch" Ulrich spaced eight hits effectively to help Waterbury to he win, 5-3. Ulrich relieved the faltering Andy "Gump" Rush in the varly part ofhthe game when Springfield led, 31. Mike Herrera. Billy Bernard, Wam P'ost, Shorty Oberc.

Wally Simpson, Cliff Rest, Billy Mullen. Doc Neiderkorn and Fleet Mayberry wore wrony flannels while Shorty Long, Yank Yordy, Jiggs Donahue, Tommy Thomas, Rip Conway, Dick Metz, Alex Schauffel, Rush, Ulrich and Dick King worked for the Brasscos. Mark Conroy and Stafford umpired. (40 Years Ago) SPRINGFIELD Perkins Machine Gear scored twice in the sixthto shatter a 5-5 deadlock and moved on to win over A. in a fast Triple A.

League battle on Forest Park. Final was 7-5. Jocko Conlin. Tally Kennedy, Smith, Hank Girard. John McGowan, Pat Landers, Charley Longone, Beauregard and Cygan represented P'erkins while Leon St.

Pierre, McCabe. Andy Coakley, (Spongberg, Mitchell, Harold Hong, Art Murphy, Joe Flynn, Lofty Sanford and Nyberg worked for tho teamen. Perkins fashioned 10 hits with loft-fielder Conlin and first sakcer McGowan getting two cach. Left fielder Flynn had 1 perfect night at the plate for the losers, 3 for 3. "Doc" Daniels umped.

(35 Years Ago) SPRINGFIELD Limited to single hit, Our Lady of Hope's nne fell to the Blue Sox al Van Ilorn, 2-1. The Sox scored both tallies in the fourth to wipe an carly Loft 1-0 margin up to that J. Johnston, Lott. S. Addison, R.

Addison, Haywood, Capers, A. Johnson, Pope and J. Jones played for the winners and O'Connell, Doyle, T. Kellerher, Cavanaugh, J. Kellcher, Cavanaugh, J.

and Aurent represented the Hungry Hill combine. The Sox made only four hits off T. Kelleher and the lopes but one off Jones. who fanned six. Cavanaugh officiated.

SPRINGFIELD Golfers of the Springfield Country Club opened the new season with a handicap competition. The day's honors went to F. 0. Smith with a not of 69 from a handicap of 10 over the short winter course. Scores were: E.

O. Smith, gros 79, hanicap 10. total net, GO; E. L. Bemis, 100 30-70; T.

J. Jefferson, 91-20 11: C. B. Whitney, 91-8-73; R. N.

Nyc, 91-18-73: F. A. Remis. 09 25- 71; R. K.

Clark. 87-12-73; F. dr M. Butler, 100 25-75: E. C.

Lincoln, 90-14 76; W. H. Nevins, $9 10-79; A. W. Fuller, 93-13 SO and F., 91 6- 87. No cards wire submitted for golfers W. I1. Hall, R. 11.

I'uffer, F. G. Hodskins, Door, J. B. Van lorn.

S. W. Dickenson, W. 11. Sargent.

F. Bassett. R. P. Alden, J.

D. Parsons. G. D. Young.

K. Regal. C. Allen Bowles, A. P.

lawley, C. A. McIntyre and 11. WV. Hixon.

Avco to Sponsor $150.000 Tourney SUTTON. Mass, LAP) The Arco corporation will sponsor a $150.000 golf tournament for the second straight year at Pleasant Valley Country Club in 1970. the club announced Saturday. Cuz Mingolla. the club's board, chairman, said the 12-hole tour.

part of the PG.1 tour. will be hold Aug. 20-13. Seattle Pilots In Trouble SEATTLE: (AP)-it you think, you have problems, consider the Saturday of the Seattle Pilot-' management. Attendance bae boon dropping and the (My of Seattle threatening to prict the it promised rent isn't pald.

the 'team management Is moaning, that the stadium Isn't up 10 major league standards, Humor Are rampant the tram will in Dallas, Tot. On the field, the team line lost 18 of ite last 21 games 11 on their home liamond until Fridas night's vi fors over h. us City. lhat 1. how r.

brought joy in quarters, The Poet Into Wigeneer morning non spaper here greeted readers with the front page neus: Great Barrington Fair Racing Starts Six-Day Meet Monday 6. Owner -trainer Joe Cesarini is shown with Miss Rapeed, who will be entered in Barrington Fair races this week. The annual meet opens Monday. Barrington Entries post Time 1.30 p. m.

1st -5 fur, 3 YO up, clmg, $1300. Fast Pare 122 Gold Coast Inn 116 Star Khobar 119. Combustions Maid 11: Posses Gem 113 deSuns Reward 117 Berman 116 aeMisty Whirl 116 Tools of Trade 122 aeBlue Gemini 122 Three Nails 122 geMark 116 2nd-Barr course, 3 yr yo up, cimg, $1300. Tan Mist Letsea 113. Equimon 116 Dilly Doltor 113 Fighter Boy 116 aexPoramount Chief Lady, Privateer 113 deWhigless 116 Handsome Lad 116 Zahra 116 Shirt Siceves 120 aeAlcorp 116 3rd-5 fur, 3 yo up, cimg, $1300.

Georgia Lee 119 of Ocala 114 Uncle Buzz Amaright 116 Jim Sail 116 ac Big Nail 122 Miss Brookville 119 ae Beau Vino 116 Dear Son 119 deClear 119 Trim Charge 122 Shannons Hope 110 4th-abt fur, 3 yo up, clmg, $1300. Deep Traffic 122 Belzamis Devil 115 Im So Happy 118 Caldo King 119 Magic Turkish Prince Pride 115 117. aeWiison HIll Beau 1 Whirling Typhoon Star Low 118 aeTiger Weir 118 Venti Ho 114 aeStar Destroyer 118 5th-abt fur, 3 YO Up, cing, $1300. Student Gypsy 110 Mr Hare Moodful Breeze 113 Gambolak 116. Verakole 119 aeDromore 119 Mr Jon 122 peElectronic 122 Sunrise Prince 122 aeSaintly Quest 116 Flaming Leaf 116 aeMystorfire 122 6th-5 fur, 3 yo up, clmg, $1300.

Bounding Gold 116 Echos Miss 116 GREAT BARRINGTON Great Barrington Fair, "The Belinont of the Berkshires," opens its six day thoroughbred racing meet Monday. There will be 10 races daily, except Wednesday and Saturday when 11 races are scheduled. Post time for the first race is 1:30 p.m. with daily double windows closing at 1:25. A full contingent of horses has been shipping into the fair, with a majority arriving from the Northampton Fair which closed Saturday.

Among the trainers bringing in their runners is Dick Retzel, the leader at Barrington last year. Ilis top charge is Lucky Gambler, an impressive winner at Northampton who defeated Buckpasser at Aqueduct in 1963. Other trainers who will be on Barrmgton scene are Iva Mine Parris, Ann Orr, K. K. Manners, Joe Cesarii and Fritz Webber, among others.

Local trainers include Stanley Wineck, "Pops" Barbicri, Henry Kimball and Harry Pyefinch of Great Barrington. Frank Consolate of Lee and Charlotte Bilodenu of Northampton. Webber has one of the top horses on the ground, Chi's bred broke record at Folly. The speedy, thoroughWeymouth Fair carlier this year and came close to a 'Hamp mark in an easy score Thursday. Fifty jockeys are onhand for the meeting, including Ray Pasquarelli of Pittsfield.

Joe Pelaez, Ed Maribone, Rod Creedon, George Steinman, George Trenger, Wayne Lawson, Doug Anderson, Morris DeBoise, Lee Struss, AI Garry, Duane Zook and Danny Wright. Special races are plentiful in the six day card, on the six day card, beginning with Monday's Great Barrington Innaurgural. Tuesday's feature is The Sheffield. Five special races dot the Cubs Prove Old Adage: Fans Love a Winner CHICAGO (AP) The Chicago Cubs, who in the past dripped with red ink, are now in the flow of the black like a wildeat gusher. "If you part colored feathers on sale they would be snapped quipped one Cub executive.

Baseball culture reaches fanaticism on the northside where the Cubs are proving beyond imagination that nothing succeeds like a winner. Home attendance has passed 1.3 million, an alltime record. The yellow-helmeted loftfield bleacher bums, psychological outgrowth of the hysteria, have attracted national acclaim and even make road trips with management shouldering the freight. Mr. Libby 122 A Miss Woodacres Yemen Chief 116 xSea Nell 114 Virginia Rebel 113 a -Cappawee Farms Jecker entry.

7th-Barr course, $1300. Cute Peter 117 Tatavieio 116 Idawill 113 Little Reddy 122 Marty 116 Smart Chief 122 8th-Barr course, $1300. Rosem ary 119 Sgt Jonz 122 Am Best 119 Mamas Gossip 119 Grouchy Abee 116 a-Mrs. R. Retzel 9th-abt 1 mile clmg, $1300.

This That 117 Pan Flavor 114 Even Fury 112 Genial King 117 Robbies Fame 119 Walk Out 114 10th-abt 1 mile cimg, $1300. Fuego Belico 117 Water Street 117 High Star 117 Acodian Lark 120 Brandy 120 We Have It 117 X-5 Ibs. AAC horses Cautcheetin 116. l1oe European Jet 116 aeStop Me Not 116 aeSeewinkel 113 Belayo 122 A. Maes F.

4 3 yo up, cimg, Hotol 116 Celulo 116 ae Wayside 116 aeBurras Royce 116 aeBess Ben 113 aeTexas Beren 119 3 yo up, cimg, Hasten Home 122 Miss Rapeed 116 Pixey Pride 116 a Easter Surprise 116 F. Consolatti entry. 1-16, 3 YO up, Bailon 114 Missing Page 117 aeCu nim 112 de Park Vetch 117 aePeter Diver 114 1-16, 3 yo '9 up, aeRun Around Sue 11 Cleres 120 Galway 11 117 deMiss Ham Bone 11. aePretty Gossip 117 ae Not Atall Atall 117 listed. A free autograph booth below the stands is a mob scene where different players rotate daily 10 scrawl their signatures on everything from programs to toilet paper.

On big day's, 60,000 soft drinks are downed at prices from 13 to 25 cents; 40,000 bottles of beer are swigged at 15 cents per; hot dogs are consumed at 30 cents each. And then there are the souvenirs, taking in about everything from the cheapest a 10-cent pencil to a $10.50 jacket. There are about 70 separate souvenir items. Each morning at 10 o'clock. the ticket stands open to sell 22.000 unreserved seats.

Lines start forming for some series during the night. Prices are Field Club Tennis Titlists JUNIOR SINGLES Boys 12 and under-Barry Blinn def. Peter Abel, 6-0, 6-0. Boys 11 and under--Scott Abel def. Mike Boyd, 6-4.

6-1. Boy's 16 and under- Jim Barnhart def. Don Hacker, 6- 4, 6-1. Girls 12 and under- Lauri Smith def. Ruth McNally.

6 1. 6 3. Girls 11 and under-Jane Hazen def. Diane Robinson. 7-3.

6-3. Girls 1G and under--Sue Souire def. Anne 6-0, 61. JUMOR DOUBLES Boy's 12 and under--Barry Blinn and Peter Abel def. Jeff flacker and Kim Stearns.

61. 46. 6 0. Boys 14 and under- -Mike Boyd and Scott Abel def. Don flacker and Jeff Uborsav.

61. 6-3. Boys 16 and under--Mike Boyd and Jim Barnhart def. Don Hacker and Steve Craver, 3 6. 6-4.

7-3. Girls 12 and under -Liza White and Betsy Boyd def. Lauri Smith And Ruth Mr. Nally. 6-1.

9-7. Girls 14 and under--Jane Haven and Deb' jr Dwight Dof. Newick an1 -no Robinson. 6.4. 64.

tHins 14 and Sue Squire and Perry Allison def. Candy Bewick and Kyic Rathery. 6-3. 6-2. SINGLES CONSOLATION Boys 10 and under- phon Boyd def.

David Reville. 6-3, 11-9. 14 and under- Jeff Ubersax def. Peter Maglathlin, 6-3, 6-1. Boys 16 and under Craver def.

Jim Downey. 6-3, G-0. Girls 12 and under -Susan Harrington def. Betsy Boyd. 6-4.

75. DOUBLES CONSOLATIONS Boys 12 and under--David Reville and Harold Burnett def. Robby Paulides and David Burnett, 6-0, 6-3. Boy's 11 and -Peter Maglathlin and Scott Clark def. Deon Gifford and Ned Chamberlain.

6-0, 6-1. MEN'S DOUBLES Tom Richardson and Bob Wright def. Paul Doherty and Neil Barry, 7-5. 6-3. DO: Larry Dwight and Bill Tarnowski def.

Doug Abel and Dave Blair, G-1. 6-1. WOMEN'S DOUBLES Sally Barnhart and Harriet Ubersax def. Peg Sullivan and Jan Rostwick. 6-1, 75, WOMEN'S DOUBLES I' Lincoln and Ginia son del.

Jan Clark and Bunny McGinnis, 6-3, 6-3. MINED Paul and Diane Doherty def. Ted and Pat Lincoln, 6-3. 6-3. RAY PASQUARELLI Wednesday program, honoring John N.

Flynn, Paul Sahagian, Henry A. Goetz, Jack Co way and the Valley Press Club. On Thursday, there's the Leo Fitzsimmons, Jug End Resrot, M. Curtis Whalen and French American Club of Pittsfield. The Jack McGrath and Westfield are on tap Friday.

Saturday's specials are the South Berkshire Community Fund. Almon Culver, T. E. Morrisey, TRA and Marathon. Speaking of the TRA, the Throughbred Racing Association will once again supervise the fair's racing activity.

Representing the TR.A at Barrington is Vincent Murphy. Among officials returning to Great Barrington are Racing Secretary James Picarillo, his assistant Bill Taylor and mutuel manager Carl Jepson. Great Barrington, which boasts an infield terrace club and infield mutuel windows, has been spruced up for its 1969 session with a new admission entrance and plenty of paint. 49ers Won't Use Brodie SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Refusing to let four straight preseason defeats panic him San Francisco 49cr Coach Dick Nolan says first string passer John Brodie probably wont set in Sunday's exhibition game against the St. Cardinals.

Nolan says he plans to start third-year man Steve Spurrier in the quarterback spot and expects to get good look af veteran backup field general George Mira. Spurrier, for one, is glad 10 get the chance saying, "I have not even played as much as a half so far in the exhibitions. a lot different coming for the second quarter instead lof the fourth as I have before. the second quarter, you can use all the plays you have. 'In the fourth quarter.

you just have to throw the ball." Authorized Chevrolet Parts and Service Eeculieu Chevrolel State Spfld. 732-2331 Dodge Cars Trucks Service Hamden Dorce, Inc. 403 Columbus Spfld. 648 State Spfld. 734.8251 Springfield Only RACING AT BARRINGTON THE BIG (SEPTEMBER Ten races daily, park.

mutuels. Post times Monday thru Saturday 1:30 Daily Double Closes at 1:25 ROUTE 7 GREAT MASS. INTERSTATE BUS FROM SPRINGFiL. Depart Spild. ot 11:30 A.M.; Westfield at 11:50 A.M.

Depart Fairgrounds 15 Minutes After Last Race 1 final will. Szot Park at PLAYOFFS entered the the Ferguson Triple A Slow by defeating 42. Singles Red Croteau for the in the second Bellivrau opened single, and! Landry and accounted for the the league the scason 12-7 and title. division, First 1511, but came roaring $1.50 for adults and $1 for children There are bleacher scats for $1 each. Reserve, seats are $3.50.

A his wife and three kids, for instance, will spend $6 to get in at the lowest rates and upwards of $10 more on concessions. The cheapest thing in Wrigley Field costs five cents. You've guessed it a package of gum. Gum, like tobacco, is listed as an accomodation item. Standing unique the money stream is the players' pool.

The players decided carly in the scason to pool all money received from indorsem*nts, appearances 'and so forth. The kit will be divided cqually at season's end among coaches and players alike. The slogan "Cub Power," dreamed up by a young merchandising agent. is seen on store windows, bumper stickers, T-shirts, drinking mugs and just about everything. A Cub Power record album, featuring players Willie Smith and Nate and Gene Oliver, is going great guns, By world series time, if the Cubs make it.

Childers cstimates the player pool will have "And if they win the world series. no one knows how it will wind up." he said. af 10 as it 4 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.