Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 MARION, CHRONICLE, MUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1930. Fir SEVEN Leaves This Week for Indiana U. Ico, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Joe McMillen. DELTA THETA TAU Members of Delta Theta Tau will have their regular business meeting Wednesday evening at the home of the Misses Frances and Bonita Brunka, 016 West Sixth street. AUXILIARY MEETING Captain Fred D. Ballou Auxiliary of United Spanish War Veterans will meet Wednesday evening in the G. A.

R. hall, 1:30 o'clock. TIRZAH CLUB Tirzah club members will meet Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Duckwall. JONESBORO Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Tomilson and children, Quincy. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Lowe of St. Louis, and Harry Lowe of Winchester all were called here because of the death of John A. Lowe. Mr.

and Mrs. E. O. Crockett and family Logansport were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

R. E. Howell Friday. Miss Dixie Parks. student of I.

U. at Robert Long Hospital at Indianapolis, was a week end guest of her mother Mrs. C. E. Parks of North Jonesboro.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Day and daughter Miss Bess spent Sunday near Fairmount as the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Stucky.

Mrs. Mrs. P. Cora Norquist Beard of and Marion Mr. spent and Sunday at Indianapolis.

Mrs. Elizabeth Linville will be hostess to the ladies aid saciety of the Prtsbyterian church Tuesday. Miss Bess Day will leave Tuesday for Bloomington where she will resume her studies at Indiana University. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Scott spent Sunday at Kokomo as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Downsens and family. Mrs. Dunlap of near Converse who was injured when she slipped and fell recently was brought to the home of her daughter Mrs.

Frank Cray of West Ninth street where she will remain for an indefinate stay. Mrs. Rosa Fosnaugh went to Westville Saturday where she will visit her sister Mrs. Agnes Hobbs. Mr.

and Mrs. Sherman Conn entertained the following guests at dinner Friday: Emma Debuge and daughter Cecelia of Morion and who have just returned recently from Los Angles, Miss Mary Conn of Columbus, 0., Mrs. Milt Stevens and Mrs. Wayne Antrim. Mrs.

C. E. Parks spent last week. at Danville, Ill. Mrs.

Dewey Foreman will be hostess to the Clover leaf club Wednesday. The Jonesboro Citizen Bank was Miss Armeda Iall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hall, 115 North street, will depart tomorrow for Bloomington, where she will enter Indiana University. Miss Hall was graduated from Marion high school in June.

Moss Martha and Bill Smith of Fairmount motored to Indianapolis Sunday and spent the day. Miss Hattie Craw spent Sunday at Muncie as the guest of Mrs. Ruth Craw. Mr. and Mrs.

T. H. Seward and Mr. and Mrs. Seward and family all spent Sunday at fort as the guest of relatives.

Miss Cella Jarnigan entertained at Sunday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. of Edgar Stafford and children -closed today because of the funeral of the president Edward Block of Marion. Mrs. Henry Konzelman has returned to Wallingford.

after a visit here with Mrs. Frank Cray and other relatives. Mrs. Jessie has returned from Fort Wayne, where she was called by the serious illness of her daughter Mrs. Harvey Smelser.

Mrs. Smelser underwent a major operation at the St. Joseph hospital resently. Dir. and Mrs.

Oscar Wyatt entertained at dinner Friday, for Mr. and Mrs. George Adams Marion. Mr. and Mrs.

M. C. McDonald and Mrs. Jesse Dakin of Sommerset. The W.

H. M. S. the M. F.

church will meet at the home of Mrs. Frank Brumley Tuesday. guests and. and George MitMr. Mrs.

William Pitt and chell and Miss "Alma Wilson of guests Saturday Mr. and firs. Greenville, were supper Merl Miller of Marion. Mrs. Frank and daughter Hartford City; Mrs.

Glenn Rhodes and family of Fairmount. services for Mrs. John Holder, 44, Jonesboro, Ind. Sept. who died at her home on the Kokomo road early Sunday following a long illness, will be held at 2 p.

m. Tuesday at the Friends church here. Rev. Walter Thompson, Marion. will officate with Rev.

be Charles in Pitt assisting. Burol will Riverside cemetery at Gias City. Surviving are the husband and six. children, Mrs. Leonard, John Gas and City: Fedrick Holder at home; three Ruth, Mary Jane, Carl, sisters.

Mrs. Rosa Boyer. Indianapolis, Lockhart, Ida Ward, and Mrs. Refus James, Reynolds, HOLD SERVICES TUESDAY WOMAN AT JONESBORO Ind. ADDRESSES KIWANIANS HARTFORD CITY, Sept.

re- 8. -The Rev. I. Jacobs, who centy completed a tour of the southwest, will address the members of the Kiwanis club at the Hartford hotel here this evening. ASKS FOR CLOTHING HARTFORD CITY, Sept.

.8. -Charles W. Pierce, Licking township trustee, has issued an appeal to the public to provide clothing and shoes for children who are entering school. Maid of Honor at Sister's Wedding MISS LOIS PORTER Miss Louis Porter WAS maid of honor Sunday afternoon at the marriage of her sister. Miss Helen Porter, Wabash, to Rohert S.

Harvey, Indianapolis. The wedding was solemnized at the First Methochurch in Wabash and the service was read by the Rev. John F. Porter. father of the bride.

045 AND BEST-AS USUAL Major and Mrs. Paul A. Seiberling held a reception for the officers and ladies of the headquarters staff of the 76th Brigade, Sunday afternoon and evening, at their home in Jonesboro. The staff held a conforence discussing a critique of the recent field tratwing period of the Indiana National Guard. Dinner was served at 6 o'clock to the following guests: Captain and Mrs.

Charles Samuels, Muncie; Captain and Mrs. Hillard W. "Walmer, Culver, Captain and Mrs. Roscoe Hyde, Hartford City; and Mrs. Claire W.

Jackson, Culver, Lieutenant and Mrs. William J. Waters and Lieutenant and Mrs. Wilbur E. Monnigan, Muncie.

Seiberlings Hosts at Reception for Officers College Women to Open Autumn Work Wednesday The American Association of University Women will open its autumn activities Wednesday when the first meeting of the season will be held at the home of Miss Mildred Aveline, 324 East Sherman street. The event will be a guest ineeting. Assistant hostesses are: Mary Russ Nussbaum, Ruth Bradford, Ruth Llewelyn, Mrg. Merrill Coffin, Mrs. R.

M. Hazlett, Mra. O. D. Clawson and Dr.

Nettie Powell. S. B. A. BOOSTER CLUB The S.

13. A. Booster club will meet this evening at 8 o'clock in their hall for a special meeting. Tressie Reeder will be the hostess. Members and friends are urged to be present.

WAR MOTHERS War Mothers will meet Tuesday evening, 7:30 o'clock at the G. A. R. hall. LOYAL CHRISTIAN WORKERS Mrs.

George Ellison will entertain the members of the Loyal Christian Workers Tuesday afternoon, 2 o'clock at her home, 1323 West Nelson street. Mrs. Otto Jolliss will be the assistant hostess. COULD NOT DO HER CLEANING Feels Much Stronger After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Lankin, North Dakota.

For nearly four years I was not in good health. My work is cleaning houre and I work outside too and sometimes I could not do it. I read the newspapers about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veretable Compound and I have taken three bottles of this medicine. I.

am ferling 8 lot better and I recommend it. You may use this letter as a -TILLIE TRENDA, R. F. D. Lankin, North Dakota.

This Medicine Is Sold in Both Liquid and Tablet Form Popular Powder of Beautiful Women Beauties who guard their ions use MELLO-GLO Face Powder only. Famous for purity -its coloring matter is approved by the Government. The skin never looks pasty or flaky. It spreads more smoothly and produces a youthful bloom. Made by a new French process, ME Face Powder stays on longer.

-Adv. NOTICE Mrs. Georgia Lester will be in her Shop on and after Monday, Sept. 8th, 105 Glass Block, phone 2093. How To Shop GOOD TABLE LINEN By Margaret YOUR GLASS CURTAINS Glass curtains are those nearest the window.

Washability is the most important factor in the purchase of glass curtaining. If shopper is in doubt as to this factor, the should get a sample of the curtaining she intends to buy and wash it at home. Appreciable shrinkage would be noted. Cotton curtains ure apt to give better service than rayon or silk. The latter may be bought, however, if it is style that one is primarily seeking.

Good cotton materials are made of fine yarn with several twists, while the cheaper cottons have single-ply yarn. If material has. dots or figures, pick at them. The dots in cheap materis. will come right Fineness of weave and lack of imperfections characterize the better grades of rayon and silk 'curtains.

Badly woven silk and rayon, gauze will be streaky when held to the light. Reunions SEPTEMBER 14 Andrew- -Warren Fairgrounds. Reed and King-Matter Park. Ice -Zion Chapel, near Fowlerton. Wimmer-Matter Park.

Fansler School Home Coming ter Park. Fansler School Park. -Matter Park. 0 Carl James--Matter -Lafayette Park. Ogle- Forest Park, Noblesville.

Hoover-Rinehart Memorial Park, Newcastle, Ind. Osborn -Home of Dr. Barnett. at Jonesboro. Davis Family -Home of Anna Minton.

Timmons-Kelker-Matter Park. SEPTEMBER 21 Minnick, home of Frank Neft. SURPRISE DINNER A pleasant surprise dinner was given Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cox in honor of their thirty-seventh wedding anniversary.

Music was furnished by the Reuter Brother's orchestra of Peru, Indiana. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Reuter, Mr. and Mrs.

Will Reuter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reuter, Mr. and Mrs.

Kelley Brauneller, Mr. Ed Reuter and children, Mrs. Lulu Croff, Mr. and Mrs. E.

J. Miller, Miss Amelia Vahly, Mr. Leonard Reuter, Mr. Elbert Reuter, Mr. Parven Brauneller, Mr.

Everett. Reuter, all of Peru; Mr. Oswald Reuter of Fort Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cox, and Mrs.

Arthur Cox, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bennett, Mr.

Charles Cox, Miss Anna Cox, and Mr. Robert Cox. Thorough Musical Training Leads to a broader understanding of life Progressive Music Studio Phone 63 ADA WRIGHT L. DAC JONES Teacher of Violin, Cello Teacher of Singing and Bass Phone 1443 Phone 2394-J Studio, 408 Iroquois Bldg. Mr.

Jones has studied with the celebrated teachers Ysaye Lange and Fischel. Miss Wright with such noted teachers as Spear, New York City; Foley, Cincinnati; Davison, Louisville; Clippinger, Chicago, and Whitney, Boston. Her students have appeared on Radio Programs from WHRU Anderson, WJAK Marion, and WOWO Fort Wayne Buy A Pair of The New I Dull-Sheer Hose by Phoenix $1.65 Buy a pair of these new DULL-SHEER hose A by Phoenix--and be convinced of their true merit-of pure thread silk to top and firmly twisted to a dull crepe finish. Complete with French heels in the new Fall to 10. Blumenthal Co.

meet this evening, at the home of Mra. Opal 219 West Seventh street. The meeting is called for 6:30 o'clock. A pot luck supper is to be served. Bargains In Wilton Rugs We offer for quick clearance a number of 9x12 seamless worsted Wilton Rugs, excel.

lent quality, splendid They are $69.00 values, while they last you may have your choice for $49.00. HANER'S' 122 West Third St. 1. 0. 0.

F. Bldg. A THRIFTY MATE THROUGH all the years, a thrifty mate by your side, you may be spared all worries. You will not have to remember to have your clothes cleaned and pressed, nor know where. they should be sent.

Perhaps you not realize how thrifty it is to keep your clothes cleaned. and pressed. Times are bard. and by sending your wardrobe to Soto Hotel Building, Swiss Dry Cleaners, De Phone 1828, you may keep looking well-groom-2 ed without spending money for new clothes. The prices 'of these ers are very reasonable, and the work done of the very highest.

grade. You will be delighted with the new look your most dejected old clothes will assume after being to the Swiss Cleaners. Let their wag on call today, and convince you of their excellence. THE TREASURE OF HOME PICTURES on the walls, provided they are lovely pictures, beautifully framed, may rightfully be considered as being treasures of the home. However, the 'raming can mate or mar any picture, and it 8 imperative that you nave your pictures, fram2d by 8 that knows how to do the work neatly and also artistically.

The Belter Studio are artists at picture framing. Eren very simple picture will be framed to look like a real masterpiece at Beitler's. Specialties are framing the Dew yarn pictures. Godey prints, etchings -all of which require special care King candy, is 80 small- only 80 cents 8 pound, or 40 cents a balf pound. You may find these messengers of peace at Freel Mason's This store has the exclusive agency, and can.

compantion assure you of getting always strictly fresh candy. Try today one of the ten cent trial boxes of Julia King's confections at Freel Mason's. LOST--A PESSIMIST HE hated to go anywhere, haunted do anything, he was by. the fear of wrecking his car. But now that is different and the world has one legs pessimist.

It all happened through one chance conversation be had with a friend who had been in a wreck. His car was seemingly hopelessly ruined, but he called 3423, The Marion Body Company, and the car was repaired for him at a moderate charge and made to look like new. Now the pessimist has become an optimist, and does not' worry about possible. accidents" any more, because he knows that even should be be unfortunate enough to: wreck his car, it will be Axed up in tip-top condition by Chet at the 'Body Company, aituated on Eighth, street between Washington Adams streets. This company, are pioneers In their line of work, and have been known in Marion for three years.

through connectiona The Unfortunate Moment WHEN you bare aroused trod. the ire on your sweetheart, your mother-in-law's toes, or forgotten an engagement it can all be set right again by presenting the injured one with a bor of Julia King's delicious home- made chocolates candies which cause all ill feeling to melt in one's mouth right along with the candy. The price to pay for doing the right thing, for giving Julia with. other Arms, 6 De: Society Calendar TELEPHONE 1050 BERNICE JOHNS Society Editor MONDAY Sigma Phi Gamma Pot Luck Supper- Mrs. Opal Baker.

Garden Club Emily Flynn Home. Roxy Club--Elizabeth Bartow F. and Lee co Bunco Gang-Vern Fisher. Neighborhood Bridge Club Mrs. Charles Shaw.

Y. M. Missionary Society-1st M. E. church parlors.

TUESDAY Country Club Dinner. Alpha Zeta Beta -Helen Bry. apt. J. D.

Club-Mrs. William Billiter. Deer Creek W. C. T.

Mrs. Cora Mills. 8. 8. Class Party--Dorothy Mae Lahr.

C. G. Club--Helen and Cecelia Eberle. G. F.

S. -Mabel Cole. Loyal Christian WorkersMrs. George Ellison. War Mothers G.


Club--Mrs. Lewis Elliot. Garden Club-Matter Maple Run W. C. T.

U. -Belva Carter. Mardi Club--Mr. and Mrs. J.

T. Ruby. W. B. A.

Benefit Bridge -W. B. A. Hall. Ladies' Aid of Grace M.

Church Basem*nt. Euchre Party--Eagles Home. Oak Chapel C. T. Josie Stradge.

Past Noble Grands-I. 0. 0. F. Hall.

Tirzah Club--Mary Duckwall. Delta Theta Tau -Bonita and Frances Brunka. Delta Sunday School ClassMrs. Lewis Enyeart. Captain Ballou AuxiliaryG.

A. R. Hall. A. A.

U. -Mildred Aveline. Yeomen Election Yeomen Hall. 'THURSDAY Volunteer Class Afternoon Tea -First M. E.

church. Polly Primm Club- Mrs. Ralph Landrum. Miscellaneous Arts Club-Mrs. Lon Jones.

Country Club Luncheon. Pythian Sisters' Circle- Mrs. Nina Timmons. Ritzie Club- -Mrs. George Massey.

South Marion W. C. T. Mrs. Rena Smith.

Pleasure Club--Mrs. J. W. Pittinger. and Chatter Club- Mrs.

F. Stevens. Just For Fun Club-Mr8. Anna Bogue. Miasionary Society -First Presbyterian church.

P. H. C. September RallyBen Hur Hall. SATURDAY D.

1 A. R. Penny Supper and Euchre- PERSONALS Bernard Wellever has just ed to Marion from California. Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Lawson of California are visiting friends and relatives In Marion. They are returnIng to California today. Sid Hall of Huntington was visItins in Marion Saturday. Miss. Mabel Rosentbal attended a country club dinner dance at Huntington recently.

Members of the Business and Profesisonal Women's club spent the week Mis end at Charlotte Matter's Brunka returned from a ten days visit with relatives in Detroit and Walled Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Sharon and son Floyd, spent Sunday in Indianapolis. Mr. and Mrs. J. M.

Dornhecker, Mrs. Grace Dornhecker Kees and daughter Barbara Louise and Mrs. Cora Howell spent Sunday In Mex- SOMETHING BETTER IN BRAN FLAKES EVERYBODY who has tried Kellogg's Pep. Bran Flakes is delighted with that wonderfully improved flavor and unusual crispness of PEP. Don't put off trying them.

A delicious surprise. Besides, you get the nourishment from the wheat vitamins -mineral salts and just enough bran to keep you fit. Sold in the red- and package. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Kellogg's PEP MAN FLAKES PEP BRAN WHEAT A FLAKES BFTTER BRAN FLAKES, Helen Porter of Wabash Weds R.

S. Harvey, Marion WABASH, Sept. Helen Porter, for the past three years instructor in the public schools at Marion, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John F.

Porter this city and Robert S. Harvey of Indianapolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Harvey of Marion, were married at the First Methodist church here Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. The Rev.

Porter, father of the bride and pastor of the church in which thee, wedding was performed, read single ceremony. Prior to the service, Hugh Porter, organist in the Church of Heavenly Rest of New York. and brother of the bride, played a recital of. bridal airs. Attending the couple were Miss Lois Porter of Marion, sister of the bride AS maid-of -honor; Miss Mildred Harvey of Indianapolis, sister of groom; rancis Porter, brother of the bride as best man and Hubert Earle of Bloomington.

The altar of the church was banked with. fernery, baskets of gladioli and at each end was placed cathedral tapers. Mrs. Harvey wore an ivory satin gown fashioned in Princess style and a close fitting TO BE FASHIONABLE TO be fashionable, you should keep changing your window drapes every so often, thus changing and freshening the appearance of each room. It is really an economy to do this, because it makes other changes of 8 more expensive nature unnecessary.

You will be delight-! ed with the new drap-! ery materials that have been received at the Kelley Furniture Company. They are featuring gorgeous new damasks, rich in coloring and fabric, at prices ranging from $1.75 to $2.50 a yard. Another sug. gestion is the tailor made panel net curtains priced from $1.25 to $3.00. One of the newest styles window draperies may be found in the ored nets used without overdrapes for living room, dining room, or sun parlor.

Kelley's feature this net in a heavy weave in jade, orange, rust, and maize at 49 cents a yard. The Kelley Furniture Company are offering a special for this week of regular $10 bedspreads with Jacobean rayon design at $6.95. You also be sure to see their plete line of Esmond blankets in combination colors and in designs, priced at $5.95. YOUR NEW HAT YOUR new hat will be either of, fur felt in a dull Anish, wool felt in A shiny finish with perhaps cushion brim, or soft transparent velvet or of tweed tricot a turban style. Or, perhaps, you will be captivated by the new telope suede hats that are so distinguished and chic.

In any -event, you will And all the outstanding millinery successes of the season to select from in the millinery department of Blumenthal Company on the third floor. Many new atyles in hats are arriving daily at Blumenthal's as a result of the buying trip from which Miss Mary Baughman, head of the department, has just returned. You will be delighted with the flattering. alluring lines of these hats, with their tilt -top brims, halt brims and shallow crowns which have been so cleverly manipulated. Selecting your fall hat will be 8.

delight at Blum enthal's. LAST MINUTE IDEAS LAST college minute bound trunk suggestions are for valuable, especially when they have to with furnishing the student's room, and come from the Ruth E. Patten Shop, Hotel Spencer Building. If you will take the advice of )ne who has been through university, you make a selection of room furnishings at this shop, because you will discover that the other zirls at school have come supplied with cessories of all kinds tor their room. Some especially timely suggestiong for the school-girl to pack away in her trunk which 1 saw at Ruth Patten's include make-up boxes.

dresser boxes, costume jewelry boxes, letter Ales, pillows, costume jewelry, handkerchiefs, bookends, 3 bed lamp, and a reading lamp, and a book light that clamps right onto the book, a rug, window hangings, pictures, an India print to be used as a bed cover or wall banging, leather photograph frames to house those precious pictures of family and sweetheart at home, diaries. and many other things that will want for your room when you see them at this fascinating shop. Friends and family of. the college girl can't go wrong to make their parting gift selection at Ruth E. Patten's, for there are 80 many suggestions there that will delight any school or college girl.

I I white velvet hat. She carried 8 shower of bouquet sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. Her attendants wore pink and green Romain crepe ollowing ceremony recention was held home of the bride's parents after which they left on wedding trip. They will be at home in Indianapolis after October 1. Mra.

Harvey is 8 graduate, of Ohio State university and 8 member of Delta Sigma Rho sorority, Mr. Harvey is a graduate of Wabash college and a member of Sigma Chi. REUNION SUNDAY The Timmon and Kelker will be held at Matter Park. Sunday, Sept. 14.

SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS Delta Sunday school class of the First U. B. church will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lewis Enyeart, 208 North Western avenue. Members are urged to be present.

si Sorority, Pot Gamma Luck sorority Supper. will Tempting Tips To Shoppers By Margaret WHEN you sigh over the limitations placed upon you by time and money, turn then to "Tempting Tips To Shoppers." It is a column that befriends bachellors in love, uncles of. small children, married men upon whom anniversaries are bearing down, men in general with wedding invitations in hand. home builders, and patrons of art. Women of all ages and stages find comfort in the shoping advice offered.

In fact, those with shopping to do, will And valuable suggestions contained in its stories. Just now a return to the routine of work, and to school life are the main considerations. It one condition does not hit one, certainly the other will -for many. both tions will be found. Beginning the school routine or the work schedule again may be accomplished with A little extra flourish and success if one is properly prepared for it in the shopping way.

PROOF OF THE PUDDING THEY say the proof of the pudding lies in the eating, and certainly this is true in other lines as well as in culinary achievements. For Instance, when once you have Spencer tried Barber the Hotel Shop, 4 you will be content to roam no further for the fine fulfillment of personal grooming needs. I the splendidly equipped four chair barber shop of the Hotel Spencer, located in the basem*nt, with access either from the street or the hotel lobby, both men and women have discovered the secret of a perfect hair The barbers instinctively sense just how you your hair cut, and how it looks the best. One does not run the risk in going there of having to go about several days afterwards looking like some strange freak of nature. An attendant manicurist is er service offered the busy person at the Hotel Spencer Barber Shop.

for she will make the ill-cared for hand assume new distinction and groomR few minutes. Special hair treatments, Involving the latest electrical equipment are featured at the Hotel Spencer Barber Shop. These treatments are recommended for fallIng hair, dandruff, etc. Perfect cleanliness is the key- pote of the whole do SCHOOL DAYS NEED MONEY SCHOOL days are here! It matters not. whether you have cute little eneg just starting on the big adventure.

older children to be put through high school, or youthful sophistiowe tion. cates a to Money college whom is you the CA open sesame to education the same as it 18 to other things. Your sacred duty is to see that your children get a good education, and also that they have nice clothes to wear and all the necessary, books, school otherwise handicapped, they and their whole life will perhaps be embittered. Times are hard. But do not make the children pay.

The Marion Security Finance Corporation, Washington Building, have helped many people, and they will help you, too, for they run their business on the motto of friendly helpfulness. The Marion Security Finance Corporation will loan you the money you need for your plans at a cost of: only eight dollars on the hundred, and you are given a year in which to pay back. Your integrity and two co-makers on your loan are all this company requires, 4. .1.4. 7 1 4 A hi 2.


Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.