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Eduntur et commentario critico instruuntur plus quam XXX carmina a uariis poetis, qui a saeculo IV usque ad saeculum XVIII p. Ch. n. uixerunt, conscripta, quae Latine reddunt sententiam epigrammatum libri IX Anthologiae quam uocant Graecae siue Palatinae numeris 359 et 360 insignitorum.
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Dare e negare la voce alle donne. Dinamiche di attribuzione e disattribuzione autoriale nella letteratura greco-latina al femminile, «IFC» 22, 2022-2023, pp. 1-47
Lucia Floridi
In this article I will examine some instances of forgery of the female voice in Classical literature and of the opposite phenomenon: the denial that a literary work was written by a woman, either by modern or ancient critics. I will first review some testimonies pertaining to handbooks περὶ ἀφροδισίων and offer some reflections on the link between women and erotic treatises in the Greco-Roman world; I will then focus on other literary genres, paying similar attention to false attributions and their opposite. My aim is not to assess the reliability of attributions and disattributions. For this purpose, much more space would be needed, and no generalisation would be possible: each case would have to be treated on its own. Rather, I intend to reflect on the dynamics of attribution and disattribution of female authorship and what they reveal about the intellectual space assigned to women in the ancient world.
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Di alcune possibili sequenze simposiali nei Theognidea (vv. 323-328, 595-598, 1171-1176), «Lexis», XXXV, 2017, 63-89
Federico Condello
Thgn. 323-8, 595-8 and 1171-6 are to be interpreted as examples of dialogic sequences born for/from the performance at symposium. The paper discusses the exegetical and textual problems of the three passages.
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N. Bellucci, Indagini metriche sul distico elegiaco in Claudiano, in “Eruditio Antiqua” VII (2015), 185-212.
Nikola D. Bellucci
Abstract Starting from the renewed interest on late Latin literature, and especially for its authors, this paper exposes through a systematic analysis the results on the compositional technique of the poet Claudius Claudianus and its use of the metrical form of the elegiac couplets. Through the compositions in this meter, found in its Praefationes to major works and in many poems of the Carmina minora, are therefore provided data about the schemes, the clausulae and the syntactic pauses of the hexameter and the pentameter, individually and in composition, showing a clear recovery of a " classical " model; from these observations seems more understandable then the attitude of his composing verses, which by a criticizing is called " claudicans " or limping, probably due to the use of the spondaics locations including the caesurae and the subsequent ones.
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Il ciclo di epigrammi sul cristallo di Claudiano (carm. min. 33-39): poetica e modelli
Il calamo della memoria. Riuso di testi e mestiere letterario nella Tarda Antichità, X-2023 A cura di Martina Venuti, 2024
The cycle of seven brief epigrams in distichs on the crystal rock by Claudian (carm. min. 33-39) is a clear example of the preference for the natural mirabilia, that is expressed above all by the Latin poetry of Late Antiquity. In this essay, I try to highlight the poetic technique, based on the contrast (solid - liquid, inside - outside, freedom - captivity/protection), and models (Vergil, Statius, and two cases of rewriting of Martial). Because of its literary (and philologic) value in the description of the crystal rock and of the physical characteristics, the lesson porrectam (carm. min. 36,1) could be recovered.
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La poesia nel tempo della vendemmia: Ennodio, carm. II 67 = 188 V.
Luca Mondin
Behind the playfulness and the self-irony, Ennod. carm. II 67 = 188 V. is a complex metaliterary epigram, in which the future bishop of Pavia represents himself as writing poems in the backyard of his villa during grape harvesting. A detailed commentary and an analysis of the ideological elements scattered in the five elegiac couplets show that the text is a self-portrait of Ennodius in the attitude of a heathen poet, and that it was perhaps intended as a closure poem for his own collection of secular poetry.
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Il motivo dell'an uxor ducenda fra poesia, retorica e filosofia: Epigr. Bob. 22 Sp., in M. Passalacqua, M. De Nonno, A.M. Morelli (a cura di), Venuste noster, Hildesheim -Zuric-New York 2012, 283-313
Francesca Romana Nocchi
con la collaborazione di Claudio Giammona 2012 GEORG OLMS VERLAG HILDESHEIM · ZÜRICH · NEW YORK La presente pubblicazione è stata realizzata con il contributo del Fondi concessi dal Dipartimento di Studi greco-latini, italiani, scenico-musicali della '
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Paulomaioracanamus Raccolta di studi per Paolo Mastandrea
Massimo Manca
Antichistica, 2021
This miscellaneous volume in honour of Paolo Mastandrea includes contributions by colleagues and friends dealing with some of the main topics of his scientific interests: intertextuality, late Latin studies, philological problems, the legacy of Classics in Renaissance, digital humanities. The first section, «Literary History and Intertextuality», focuses on special patterns in Latin literature within a very wide chronological range, from Vergil to Optatianus. Specific attention is dedicated to elegy and to mythological characters in elegy and tragedy. The section named «Philological Notes» deals with critical problems within texts by Sallustius, Macrobius and Historia Augusta. The following section, «Late Latin studies», is dedicated to several authors and topics: Simphosius’ Aenigmata, Sidonius, Historia Augusta, Claudianus, Epigrammata Bobiensia, Johannes Lydus and literary topoi used in late Latin texts. The final one, «Classical Reception Studies», examines a few examples of the...
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Tre epigrammi di Massimo Planude
Francesco Valerio
Il Calamo della memoria VII, 2017
Il calamo della memoria -VII. Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nell'incontro internazionale di Trieste, Biblioteca Statale, 29-30 settembre 2016 a cura di Lucio Cristante e Vanni Veronesi [Trieste]: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017. -XVI, 258 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
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La bellezza naturale di Bissula tra elegia e convenzioni ecfrastiche, “SIFC” 112 (4a s., vol. 17,1), 2019, pp. 85-108.
Silvia Mattiacci
This paper examines some epigrams of Ausonius’ Bissula, underscoring the literary dimension in which the biographical relationship between the poet-patronus and his young slave-alumna is rewritten in these verses. The girl is seen as an erotic subject and elegiac domina, whose ambiguous identity results in an ideal combination of perfect Latin upbringing and natural German beauty (see in particular the indigenous feature of the blonde hair), which makes her superior to the Latiae pupae and, implicitly, to the puellae of the elegiac tradition (Biss. 3-4). The theme of Bissula’s beauty, which needs no artifice, becomes central in Biss. 5-6, in connection with the subject of the portrait, in which Ausonius proposes again, in a new and original way, some conventions of ecfrastic poetry. The highlighted models make it possible to establish what the general tone of the collection must have been and to reconsider hypotheses about its incompleteness.
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