trc1 000:00:30:00.00, by Flying cadavers (2024)

Perfect game; Twelbe strikes!

the Architect’s sands split, ink enflamed. The flesh of the “Architect” called Salvador, ironic in being a Honourary Permfaux, has been punctured using a 5” long blade, carried in the hands of one “Nevaeh” who has willingly taken on the title of Permfaux; “Mira” watches ambivalently. “Why,” the Architect asks bluntly, before retaliating in the form of a slap to Nevaeh’s face (a loud CRACK! is heard, presumably from the contact of the hand with the face, or it could just be her shoulder cracking).

“You hurt Geoff,” exclaims the one called Nevaeh. “Geoff”, le de Permfaux, is not here at the moment, Paradoxically. In his place is a snake, the Architect’s new form. The Architect is once more replaced by a snake after stating that they have only just arrived. Nevaeh promptly leaves the building for an unknown reason, prancing and tap dancing (Minwalk! Money Python) into the forest, leaving Geoff and Mirror, doppelgänger und Tempfaux, and the Building Individual full of Thoughgts. Behind. “Mira” silently stares at the rest of the cast whilst sharpening+brandishing a knife, on the larger side, using her skins. Suddenly, Salvador returns from war, only to vanish once more, becoming of ink in parchment bound for drawing (sketchbook I will call it from now onward). Nevaeh, returned to the building somehow, has noticed this event take place. Nevaeh: “What.” More a thought bespoke than a quest toward knowledge! Mira says nothing, staring at the tiny sketchbook, a loaf of papier-mache.

Nevaeh takes the parchment in hand, raises it to the sky, and makes an announcement with ecstatic voice, much to Salvador’s dismay: “Who votes we rip this in half?” The cast goes wild! Mire enthusiastically raises her hand, until El Salvador reappears from the text, causing the Mirea to approach a spot in space-time farther apart from notes, and The Salvador serpentifies, in the style of “Don’t tread on me”. Ideologically questionable creature whom slithers! Moral challenging, and hypocrisy I want to tread on it Christ Okay. Calm point reached, Salv is now a snake, like that of the Fairy Taile. That’s an assumption, I don’t know if there are snakes in it. Japanese animation is something I’ve ye Salvador, in serpentblood formation, hisses loudly at Nevaeh. With snape vocal cords crying about the cocoa honey it utters her name in an aggressive tone (Quite aggressive, fff) before hissing again. Mirra, in fear, tap dances backwards towards the wall, placing more space in betwneen herself and this strange shapeshifting snInke beast.

“Oh sh*tte,” Nevaeh ejects from her teeth tongue teeth mouth. If it is strange to you, I am not being recorded because I am a ghost (Ectoplasmicatoriumisl’uths-nork-ch’thulhu [real {real (true fact [true fact is the meaning of “real” {un-satirical, where satire is not comedy (irony devoid [comedy is a form of expression {comedy} in which {means it is located inside of the box} humxr])}])}]).

Serpentor (Salvador), uses the back end tail end of [pronoun] own body to obtain and violently throw Nevaeh into a wall [THUD]. A fight may break out? Time will tell. It is telling. Vomiting, as a matter of fact. Time is puke, gross and chunky, may be red [not with blood but with red intake dye in foods such as]?. Rumour has it (it is not Rumour, actual events this take place) that Geoff (Not GOLF <- Look! DADADADADADADADADADADA) walks in, right on time, where time = sound + acoustic light. “Oh sh*t, Nevaeh,” he utters, while looking at the Nevaeh he so speak of, in shambles on the ground after having been entered into The Wall by Roger Waters from 70s Progregive Rack band #FFC0CB Floyg band as aforementioned by me, the writer, the one who wrote the book, the book which is in your hands, your hands which are attached to your arms, you’re arms wihch are you, or at least part of your cardioskelemuscularvous system, which could easily be considered you but not always due to differing philosophical and psychological positions of human belief about what is and is not you. You are you but who are you? You decide! Choose your own adventure life and live it Buddy Ol Pal Ol Coom :-} I believe in you. You believe in Japanese anime Otaktaktaktakyon TRIPLE SIX FIVE FOUR ON?). The eyes of Mickra are sunken into the skull, artefacts their aperture is widened. This is invisible as a mask is plastered onto the f*cker’s face.

Nevaeh’s eyes close, as she is in pain due to the wall-herself collision that I have mentioned twice now. Do I need to keep doing so, or can you remember the fact that she was thrown into the wall by Salvador (who was a snake at the time and if I am parsing the original text correctly, still is)? Three times. f*ck. I don’t even know man. I don’t wannt to keep wr

Geoff stammers in Nevaeh’s general direction (at her), “U-uh... h-...” Spit it the f*ck out, bastard, “Hey.” Mirar mirars at Geoth while Sillydoor turnes into humane flesh cognition eating Paster.e Sillydoor returns into to their its flesh cognitivetion eating paster form. Normality. “Oh my f*cking God,” Salvador says before making the ever so familiar “uh” sound like so many people have f*cking made alre

Salvador separates themselves from the Geoffed, in fear, I think. Doesn’t specify. 2013 was a weird time where I guess nobody knew how to write (Irony! I am doing the funny I am writing this in no time and nowhere in forever please hel Geoff fails at being intimidating. A snarky laugh emanates from his teeth tongue teeth mouth, before: “Geoff’s here, f*cker!” He puts on a pair of sunglasses and it disappears the next second. A comedic man, Gorf is. plays for only the second that his sunglasses are in existen, presumably emanating from the sunglasses. A comedic man, Gorf is.

AGAIN, Salvador becomes a SNAKE to be EATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN. This MUST be tiring on their body, no? This constant shapesh*ttery? This constant buffoonery? This constant? This constant? This constant? This constant? This constant? This constant? This constantconstantconstantconstantconstant? (Snake eater…)

[Okay, let’s step away from this for a bit. I’ve been joking around for these first couple pages and everything has whizzed by so quickly and incoherently. I’m sure you’re grasping at straws trying to figure out the meaning of this, so I’ll make it a bit easier on you, eh? I’m tired of the jokes myself. Maybe there’ll be some goof-em-up funnysh*ts every now and then, but I’ll keep it to a minimum, for both your sake and mine. This is a ‘serious’ recounting of these events, after all. - Kayla]

Nevaeh, rising from the floor, runs at Geoff at full speed and defies all previous expectations by tackle-hugging him. A certainly uncalled for as well as unexpected event. Geoff is equally surprised by this as I. Puzzled, he ejacks, “What happened to, you know, you trying to kill me?” Mira, rightfully confused, shrugs her shoulders. Salvador joins the conversation with a little bit of grounding honesty, “Eh. Why bother…?” They’re certainly correct. Fighting to the death is useless, divisive, and ultimately unfun.

Salvador perks up after a crushing realization, which sparks a long winded and unnecessary yellfest, “Wait… Why bother-... Wh- wait a minute,” they stammer before finally getting into it, “YOU TRIED KILLING HIM FOR NOTHING! There was no f*cking reason there! You were sat here, waiting, knife in hand, f*ck- f*cking- you- YOU JUST STABBED ME! THAT WAS YOUR GREETING, the FIRST THING YOU DID! Not ‘hi,’ not ‘hello, how are you,’ a f*cking knife in the stomach. I- What the f*ck is your deal?! What the eldritch f*ck is your problem, you daft freak?! YOU’RE A FREA-KUH! That’s what you f*cking are, a FREAK IN DIRE NEED OF A BEHAVIORAL CHANGE. A fix. Something, because the attempted murder for no reason. Full stop. No reason. On both me and Geoff. I would RESPECT THAT DECISION if it were because of something other than the impulse or the fun or the HELL OF IT, BUT f*ck!! sh*t!!! FUUUUUCK!!!! THROWING TABLES AROUND sh*t FALLING OFF THE TABLES YOOOOUUUUU!!! AAAGGGGHHHH okay,” Deep deep deep breath, “I MADE this, this room is MINE, and you come in here, into MY room, stab both me AND this poor boy,” point to Geoff as Salvador wonders why they’re calling him a poor boy exactly, “in MY OWN ABODE. Do you realize how DISRESPECTFUL THAT IS? DISRESPECTFUL!! DISRE-f*ckING-SPECTFUL!!!” and it continues on like this for another solid must-be hour. I am not willing to type the rest of it, as it would take up about 4 more pages, but… Salvador popped off, truthfully. Trust me on this.

Geoff reiterates, “Nevaeh, you tried killing me.”

Nevaeh is lost beyond any comprehension at the mention of this, as if it cannot be, although this present figment of all that is abounding is absolutely not the future. She decides, in a stupor, to ‘express her feelings’, this sappy sh*tf*ck, with another unexpected turnaround. She says, and I quote, “I love you, Geoff.” The room is filled to the brim with a staggering silence that even I am embarrassed by, just reading this. O.o,ò£ O.O, you name it, it was there. Realizing her mistake, Nevaeh flushes and puts her face in her hands, cowering. The silence is then broken by Salvador, with a strong, resounding “f*ck NO,” still riding off the anger-high from earlier.
Mira remains silently stunned. Geoff could only utter a small “uh,” the coward. Even more cowardly than you might expect for the foremost of them, Nevaeh bolts out of The Building and into The Forest, choked out by air, Geoff following her. Mira glares daggers at Salvador, who, in all respects, caused this debacle. Salvador responds to this in a slightly more caring way than usual, “Well… Maybe the ASM will-” before they can finish their sentence, they realize they’d forgotten to turn into themselves. They do that, while Nevaeh returns. Salvador, now in Salvador form, asks, “Nevaeh, are you okay?” before continuing, “I’d like to apologize for my- you know.” This does nothing, Nevaeh is silent. Geoff, a little bit later than Nevaeh, returns. Mira is also silent. Salvador glares daggers at Geoff, fuse shortening. “SAY something,” they bark at him. Mira turns her eyes toward Geoff, who seems to be the center of attention right now.
A person arrives. Ellen. She seemed to be already known by the group, as they did not question her sudden appearance and lack of greeting. “Err” is all she can say before being interrupted by Salvador, who asks, “Did Geoff just run away?” Mira ‘answers’ first, although it’s a little bit of a half-answer, a shrug.
Nevaeh bursts into tears, which incites the concern/care of both Ellen and Salvador. Ellen just showed up and is now already comforting somebody. Story of my life. She simply says “Awh, Nevaeh” in a comforting tone, while Salvador is a slight bit more surprised. They run to Nevaeh, Mira walks there as well. Nevaeh is now the center of attention. ANOTHER person arrives onto the scene, this one named Alisa NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. “Hi,” she greets the group, lightheartedly. She asks with an air of innocence, “Did I miss anything?” With no response, she greets a few members individually, “Hi Geoff, Hi Nevaeh.” Nevaeh is still tearful. Naturally, Alisa inquires, “Why are you crying?” Geoff joins in the Spanish inquisition, “What’s wrong?”
Salvador, somehow still carrying anger, yells, “GEOFF! Get your ASS OVER HERE!” Geoff heeds Salvador’s command, meanwhile the rest of the group are still trying to comfort Nevaeh. Alisa offers some Skittles to Nevaeh. This is a futile effort, as Nevaeh ignores this completely. Mira “facemasks”... Verbatim. I don’t know how to interpret this. I feel like I’m getting f*cking tetanus or carpet tunnel or some other sh*t reading this. Infected with Jaundice. Moving on from that, Nevaeh looks at Geoff. He seems to be the only thing she can focus on right now, understandably so, as she claims she loves him (you remember that thing that happened 3 pages ago?). Alisa says goodbye to Geoff, for whatever reason, as neither of them are leaving, “Bye, Geoff, don’t get your ass kicked.” Geoff is offended by this, for how could he ever lose in a fight? According to him and his inflated ego. After Geoff turns to Nevaeh and says “Hey” to her, Alisa seems to break into hysterics, as she begins yelling,

Nevaeh replies to Geoff, in an almost pathetically whiny tone, “Hi…”

Geoff inquires again, since he didn’t get a reply last time, “What’s wrong, Nevaeh?”... Again, the lack of a response. She’s real out of it. Salvador says something factually wrong, as usual, “Awkward moment.” This isn’t an awkward moment by any f*cking stretch of the imagination, but okay. Go ahead, say that. f*ck. Alisa laughs at this even though it’s NOT funny, and then Mira f*cking “FACEMASKS” AGAIN. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! I’m absurdly tired, but what better else do I have to do than THIS f*cking sh*t f*ckin ASSSSSSSSS f*ck
Alisa says the word “love” out of nowhere, must be f*cking mad. Geoff is similarly perplexed by this, the only thing he can really say being “What?” Yeah. Me too, buddy. Nevaeh then hugs Geoff, somehow still in the process of crying. “I thought you ran away!” she yells. Now, while Geoff and Nevaeh are hugging, this Alisa decides to non-consensually take photos of them, while everyone is just gawking over the situation, “Awww! How cute,” the like. Ellen stays as far away as possible, the only logical decision anyone here has made. Alisa calls for Geoff, but of course, he doesn’t take her sh*t. Instead of ignoring her, though, he tries to be intimidating again, “Shut up or I’ll kill you.” EDGY! Scary man, death threats. Classic/10. Lil B PS2 Collection Video
Salvador calls Alisa by name, filling her with the hope of providing Candy. “Guess what?” she asks Salvador, co*cking her head to the side. “WHAT,” Salvador exasperatedly barks at her. Mira holds her hand to her face/mask in disappointment - sorry - BOTH hands. Finally figured out what the action “facemask” means. In hindsight, I would’ve figured this sh*t out faster if she had said “MASKPALM” like it would actually make more sense! Or maybe it wouldn’t have.

Then it happens. The dumbest sh*t yet. Alisa kicks Geoff in the nards. She exclaims, “Yay! I’m f*cking HYPER MONKEY!!! I’m hungry.” You know I just want to give up I just want to f*cking store my troubles away.

Skills,” she says. I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. I’m literally so lost.I’m skill issuing all over the place. Who the f*ck cares??? Why did the ASM want me to write this????? Literally who asked? LOLOLOL, I can’t take ANY of this seriously. I can’t take ANY of this, PERIOD. UugGGHG I f*ckin hate my life n sh*t

Salvador takes some objects and throws them at the head of the woman “Alisa”. duuuuude. Going off! Nobody’s missing anything! Least of all Sal! Neveaer takes into hand the words “YES ! BURN!! !!” (the fire and the flames [dargonfoce] are rising and choking) and Geovf has up and vanished in his o’so charctristc way as you know, as he always vanished. She says “Where did Golf go!? Where to did he drop himself?” my keybaord is borken sorry

Ella, (who’s made her sudden appearance now of all times) perhaps for long forgotten, comes with the astounding delivery ov “I think I know… Nevaeh…” and for a second it seems like she might be the only sane person in the room other than Mira who is also kind of f*cking out there, just in a much much different way.

You think this story is bad? How about that time I was eating raccoons with John Carmac in Fortnite! Family Guy Cutaway Joke! ugh………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………..

Mir makes her shoulders ascend temporarily. “Yay,” exclaims the Alisa thing again. “He’s in your pants!”

Mira falls silent after this, and again I feel like she’s the only person who actually has anything of a brain in the f*cking room other than maybe Ellen. I mean Ella, f*ck. They’re two different people. I mean no one here has the goodest brain. I shouldn’t be getting so worked up over this.

“Oh, you didn’t just f*cking say that,” Salvador goes on, possibly reacting to what I just said. Maybe I like this dude too. Maybe I’m just losing too many brain cells from how much this sh*t hurts to read.
Immediately after this, Nevaeh and Mira slap Alisa for being a f*cking idiot. Rightfully so. It’s funny that Nevaeh is the one doing this because she’s the one who’s probably the hugest drama queen in the entire place so far other than Alisa. Hate these sons of bitches. It’s so f*cking annoying. I’m getting worked up over literally nothing right now, What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long, not goodnight
Well, if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long, not goodnight

Ringle Start: Good Night Sleep Tight

i don’t remember typing that. I think it was drafted by another person. opening a new google doc to flesh out my “two narrator” theory

Ella(not Ellen, but I wish it was): “I didn’t say anything like that. I didn’t, you know…” She looks depressed, kind of angry. I just don’t even know what she’s even trying to respond to. I can’t remember.

Nevaeh says this thing that I think is magnificently dumb but I think it’s amazing enough to not redact. send complaints,full-frontal nude photographs, and memetic kill hazards to lmao Anyways Nevaeh says “WHAT DID YOU DO WITH GEOFF?” and she takes a knife out of her pocket because she somehow just had that on hand for whatever reason… then again I did describe her as a murderer earlier on didn’t I? Who am I kidding, Now, but I can't, and I don't know
How we're just two men as God had made us
Well, I can't, well, I can, yeah
Too much, too late, or just not enough of this
Pain in my heart for your dying wish
I'll kiss your lips again

Savadoy puts their hands up in surrender in response to Nevaeh’s bullsh*t, and then Alisa comes back from wherever she had apparently f*cked off to so temporarily. Mira also puts her hands up. It’s kind of baffing because all of these people are entirely capable of doing each other in and just sometimes refrain, right? From the perspective of you as a reader this is probably what they call a lampshade hanging, but no, I’m just legitimately baffled by how unbelievably bad this is. How did any of this actually happen? I’m not even angry anymore, just. Confused.

Before we return to our story, the word for today is “refrain”. Use it as many times as you can. Do not REFRAIN from using it!!

Alisa is saying something but it’s not even intelligible, kind of fitting to the person they’ve portrayed themselves as. Meanwhile Ella is saying this sh*t: “Err.” Then a long period of silence (I fell like I’ve been her before), which I guess is nice for me even if it means nothing in the grand scheme of things. She says she needs to be Tom (probably -- no, definitely referring to the Permfaux, not the member of the Faux), which is a funny thing to say because it’s not like you can just… become someone else??? I don’t know what this is trying to communicate still. Maybe they’re like Salvador, maybe they can just become someone else, I don’t know.

Anyway after that monkey business Alisa does something monkey, because it’s obvious that she’s monkeying around when she says it. Maybe to save face. I can’t believe i’m stooping to the level that I’m trying to psychoanalyze these people who I don’t know and will probably never know ever beyond these cursory glances into their lives which obviously existed prior to me picking up the documents and what not. I don’t even know, I just have monkeys on the mind right now. She says, and I quote: “It didn’t hurt dumbasses. SALVADORE!!!” and yeah she says it with an E at thee ende fore some reasone. Not sure why.

Salvador asks: “Yeah?” with a little teetering on sadness in their voice.
Alisa has the gall to ask. I can feel the stupid smile on her face bleeding through into the text even without it being explicitly stated. :) “Do you want some candy?” What’s with this bitch and her candy?
Ella does actually seem to have something going on now…WAIT, f*ck, NO!!! OH MY GOD THEY”RE THE SAME PERSON ELLA AND ELLEN ARE THE SAME PERSON WHAT?? Okay. Okay. Alright. It’s okay. I’m okay…f*ck, WHICH ONE DO i CALL H IT’S AGAIN What? flexing my rateyourmusic power. I am an active user on the website.

Ella has something going on now (not unlike Stacy’s mom). So maybe the first trace of something serious in this entire charade? Maybe I can stop worrying about my brain cells necrosing? “Oh god. Don’t tell me who this is.”
And Alisa has the f*ckING gall to jump into this too because she just wants to be the center of attention all the time. God I wish that people would give me a f*cking break, who could expect me to take any of this literally at all seriously it’s just a show. I should really just relax.

She says “Huh?” she said.
Ella: “Geoff doesn’t like to be annoyed. I’m so sorry,” and I don’t even fully understand what she’s trying to communicate here before Nevaeh starts running, full force, cutting through the air and running toward Ella like I already f*ckin said. Sorry I’m so tired I don’t even know what I’m talking about. I dont know. Remember the knife that she was pointlessly waving around earlier? Well, that knife is finally put to use when she STABS Ella in the f*cking back. Right then and there. Thank GOD, there’s some sort of familiar writing techniques in this, like Chekhov’s gun. Not that it really works. But it’s something to grapple onto, I guess. The first reaction is from Alisa (as usual) and as expected it’s nowhere near serious, a laugh. You’re laughing. A woman was stabbed in the back and you’re laughing. Alisa then makes a joke of her own, “Nevaeh’s a BACK STABBER!” (dumbest f*cking joke I’ve ever heard in my entire life, my rage is so profound that it has circled back to being numb) He could be in this very room~! It could be you! It could be me!
Okay, let’s actually try to do this. Salvador’s eyes widen at the sight of the ‘backstabbing’ Ha, not so much terrified but concerned for their friend of sorts. “Ella,” they shakily say, while doing nothing about the situation. Alisa, as inconsiderate as ever, antagonizes Nevaeh, “Do you have a stick up your ass or something?” The first thing she’s said that’s actually worth listening to. Agreeable even. Inconsiderate, but still.
Geoff is in his usual state of confusion, saying “What?” for the God knows how many’th time. Mira is silent, usually her reaction in these dumb situations, which is understandable. Alisa, having garnered no reaction, decides to make a slightly confused+disappointed face. She then says “Hi Geoff!” like the f*cking idiot she is, the absolute dolt. How many times has she greeted people randomly? ESPECIALLY Geoff? In fact, I think she’s only done this with Geoff . Attachment is a funny thing. f*ckng. InOHHHH i get it it bookends the earlier bit where she said BYE GEOFF but he didn’t leave. She was doing a bit!!!!!! not funny though f*ck off
Geoff The One Who Is Murder is =D>‚Äã, shortly before getting kicked in the nards AGAIN. This poor guy. WHY DOES HE KEEP GETTING KICKED IN THE f*ckING CHERRIES? WHAT IS THE POINT? WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP DOING THIS? WHY AM I READING THIS? IS THIS AMERICA’S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS? Nevaeh returns from her unmentioned temporary hiatus in existence,; and makes a low growling noise at no one specifically, just the ether. To God. Who is God? this is making me have an/many existentialObserver: identity crisis/es. Geoff registers the pain only a few seconds later, holding his most likely very injured nether region. Alisa just... laughs away. Like a f*cking psychopath. Probably is one, Idk, I’ve never read the DSM-V. Gimme a break. f*ck, I need to follow my own advice. This is a book not a personal journal.
Geoff becomes cognizant enough to make a face of sarcastic surprise (:-O) towards his ball-assailant, meanwhile Alisa is reveling in his dismay, chanting “AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!” I’m starting to suspect this is a child. Nevaeh stealths her way directly behind Alisa and… uh. Nopes her. Salvador is immediately disturbed, a look of pure terror on their face (understandable). Alisa is unphased by the actions that are being committed and says that it... tickles. What the Eldritch f*ck is her problem, to sample from Salvador. Mira, the thus-far-most-consistently sane person, stands not inbetween Nevaeh and Alisa but instead inbetween Alisa and Geoff. Alisa, still unphased, greets Mira. “Hi Mira. You are standing between me and Geoff.” Mira is silent- Is she f*cking mute- SHe’S MUTE ISN”T SHE? Why is she so QUIET? ALL TH EIMTe/ Mira remains unvocal. Alisa laughs at this, insensitively. Geoff is still in a little bit of pain, as evident from a small whine (“mhehh…”) and Nevaeh starts hissing. Salvador yells a resounding “what the f*ck,” quite the same reaction as mine. Alisa then asks, “Do any of you know where Tom is?” as if Tom is important in this scenario. Ella asks the question we all want to know the answer to, “Why did you kick JGeoff in his balls?” Moreover, why did Nevaeh stab you? Questions that remain unanswered to this day. With a mischievous glare at Nevaeh, Alisa asks “Guess what?” During this time, Ella just… shoves some ice down Geoff’s pants, hoping that’ll help with the pain. Alisa then f*ckin boob taps Nevaeh like it’s nothing and promptly runs away, yelling “YYYEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA” the little scamp! i hate everything. when do i get to the better parts can i just skip to there
Schuyler enters, a calm greeting of “Hello” echoing from his teeth tongue teeth mouth (recurring joke, when will it stop being funny, never xD). Alisa is the first to reciprocate the greeting, then Geoff, with a friendly, “Hey Sky.” THAT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIS NAME! IT’S PRONOUNCED SHY-ler! LIKE SHIA LABEOUF!!! Assumedly, they’re already at a deep level of friendship with these little nicknames that don’t make sense? Assumedly. Alisa yells, “RUN,” getting a little laugh from Schuyler. Why he thinks it’s funny is beyond me. Unprovoked, Nevaeh accgguses accggressively, “I didn’t kick him, you idiot! Alisa did!” There is a call of “Ophaveim swsmfm” from somewhere, although it is unclear from where it originates or what the hell it means. Nobody responds to this, nor did it ever exist to begin with. I’M writing this, I get to do what I want. f*ck you. Alisa giggles, Geoff is default confused “uhh what,” and then for the third time, his FAMLIY JEWELS are Assaulted by Alisa. There’s a loud CRUNCH, which I pray was the sound of the ice from earlier on. This poor f*cking guy, can’t imagine how he feels. Bye to the thought of having children. Alisa presents an ultimatum: “If you want me to stop, you MUST give me Skittles.” on and on and on and on and on with this sh*t about skittles. Ella, again, we’re calling her Ella, frustrated: “How uplifting. f*cking stop it.” Yeah, me too. Geoff is again surprised, but simultaneously in pain. “f*ck! MY FAMLIY JEWELS” He Yells in response to the THIRD walnut KICK! THE THIRD! I’m f*cking. WHAT. Salvador misinterprets this statement completely though. “Why? What’d he do this time?” Schuyler laughs at this misinterpretation. Alisa then goes, “Pay up. Skittles. Now.” Mira, somehow having five packs of Skittles, throws them all at Alisa, screaming “f*ckING TASTE THE RAINBOW, MOTHERf*ckER! GGGGHHGHGGHHRRRAAAAGGGGHH!” HOLY sh*t, SHE SPEAKS?!?! f*ck that, SHE SCREAMS?!?!?! She is FED UP. I’m projecting a little. FED UP! Take the f*cking Skittles and shut up! This is all you wanted!
Alisa is FINALLY satisfied, celebrating with “Yay!!” then announcing “Alright, Geoff, you’re safe.” Creepy kid smile. “Skittles,” Geoff says. Alisa isn’t done, “... For now.” Nevaeh then lands a punch on Salvador. “Pow! right in the kisser.” GEOFF is surprised, but looks in terror. Alisa only laughs. God has no sense of right or wrong, She just likes to watch interesting things happen. Salvador 0: Mira ._. Goff :-) Naeveha berates herself “What the f*ck NEVAEH?” Me, the f*cking narrator: 100000. Bababadalgharaghataghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk ! Aleza laughs while everyone else sits in stunned silence to the high heavens forming a bunch of towers (more than two you edgy f*cks) into the sky that are really funny looking I think I don’t know it’s kind of funny. Ellen, seemingly going insane as there’s no blood in the room to be found, “OH MY GOD… SO MUCH REDDDDD” She’s Insane. Geoff spawns a coin from thin air and flips it. It lands on The Tails (not the Sonic kind you dumbass f*cks) Side. alisa “y”. Salvador asks what I wanted to know, “Why’d you just yell at yourself?” Ella “OKAY!” She’s still insane. Alisa is still laughing. God what the f*ck . What. THe f*ck. are these people. Doing. I AM LOSING IQ POINTS READING THIS! It’s like these are f*cking children in the bodies of teenagers (little did she know… THAT WAS BULsh*tE) and (maybe I know more than you THIINKK BITCH) aduiltstenghuntrecallamatoinerhukercrunglelusobungusungaunga-retina-th’nurkulura-eyeball-ulars! Hah Aha. I’m funny. Jaoyce, call me sometime

Nevaeh says “I don’t really know” because who needs to know why they do things. Everything is meaningless so says the Nevaehwoman. Okay, jesus christ, i will write more MCR lyrics if things continue as they are. Alisa then afterwards just continues laughing, as should be expected at this point. Ella: “Why the hell do you guys have to be a hate couple?” in a pretty aggravated tone (I assume this is talking about Geoff and Nevaeh but I don’t know anything anymore anyway). “I don’t know,” Alisa says having to barge in, because of course she does. She always f*cking does. And she laughs some more. Har har har.
“Hate couple?” says Salvador. Yes, a hate couple, salvador. This is getting me to the point of where I’m trying to converse with fictional characters, that should say something about it all. Pick up the phone
Pick up the phone, f*cker

I wanna see what your insides look like (I wanna see what your insides look like)
I bet you're not f*cking pretty on the inside (Not pretty)
I wanna see what your insides look like (Pretty, pretty)
I wanna see 'em NOTE TO SELF: edit the link out later
And Alisa just keeps f*cking laughing. It never ends, I tell you. It never ends. Never ever ever ever ever ends. No matter how much I want it to end it just won’t. It never f*cking ends. I cannot escape this any longer. I can’t believe I’m going to have to do ALL of this. Will I even still be f*cking alive at the very end of this entire thing? I wonder. I really really do wonder. I wonder a lot.
Alisa, FINALLY, says she is “done with the skittles”. Thank f*cking christ. That sh*t was so annoying but I know that it probably won’t spell the end of this sh*t. Why is it so hard to just… just NOT be annoying? Ella is still having a f*cking psychotic breakdown from all of the stupid sh*t happening around her so she says “sh*t out rainbows” because that’s funny. nya nya nya nya nya. Alisa continues on with her incessant babbling: “I wish but since I’m done, soooo... GEOFF!” oh god is she going to do it again.
Ella can barely contain her rage. “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU. No. Calm down.” Okay now she’s coming back to herself. This is good.
Geoff asks: “Yes?” because for once he does something that doesn’t indicate confusion. You know, it’s weird to think how he got from being this to someone entirely and i mean ENTIRELY different. That’s probably the most interesting part of this. He’s a f*cking crazy too, not on the scale of what is here but definitely still pretty out there. And then of course, as I should have expected, she kicks Gört square in the testes AGAIN. AT THIS POINT IT’S HIS FAULT REALLY. And he screams immediately for once because of course he does. He’s probably been rendered infertile, the poor little f*ck lmao. Jesus Christ why do people have to keep doing that sh*t to him? It’s not funny, it’s not even a little bit funny. It’s just f*cking weird and annoying and useless. Just lock him away in a cell to rot honestly because death’s not stopping him and you kicking him where the sun doesn’t shine isn’t helping
and Alisa laughs again, the fudging psycho. She asks: “Where’s Jim?” And the SECOND afterwards, Jim walks in, like it’s some kind of f*cking comedy movie. This might as well be one. “Yay Jim! Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim Jim!” Bitch Jim w h o?
Ella speaks simultaneously. “WOULD YOU STOP KICKING GEOFF IN THE NUTS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD? WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU?” In the business, this is what they call foreshadowing. I think.
Salvador, in the meantime, also approaches Jim with an alright expression about them. “Hey, Jim,” they say and pat the dude on the back. Finally some amount of civility. Feels like ages since I’ve seen it, It feels like ages since I last had a drink,” pippin says, even if it hasn’t been. Oh whatever, it’ll probably conclude relatively soon anyways.
Nevaeh gives Jeff ice. Because of course that’s what happens. I feel like I’ve been here before. Jim: “Hello all!” Immediately afterwards Jim is embraced and kissed by Alisa, because she has to be f*cking dumb and do that sh*t. Of course she does. Of f*cking course. Jim seems to be happy with this. At least they’ve got the mental facilities for romance. Ella trips on a crack in the floor (??? there are no cracks in the floor) after she yells: “Hey, Geoff! Guess what.” Taking bets that Geof is about to get his cranberries crumpled once more!
Alisa proclaims that she is finally happy. In the business, this is what they call “lies”.
Mira holds a firm expression of what could easily be chalked up to fear or something of the sort. No, it definitely looks like fear, a hint of surprise. I think I like this one, still. Jim has to ruin the moment, and his face turns red, somehow only after he has smiled in response to being present. It’s like it just doesn’t f*cking register for him or something. It’s just incredibly bizarre. The same thing happened with Geoff earlier too, I recall. Salvador hisses at Alisa and it causes her to laugh softly.
“Okayyyyy,” Jim says. It’ s obvious that he’s uncomfortable but still smiling through the pain. Like ol’ Harold.
“What?” says Alisa, who is oblivious, as usual. Of course she is. Salvador once more disappears, entering back into the parchment.
Schuyler, who hasn’t done anything since he walked in except stand in the corner with a profuse look of confusion about him, is obviously perturbed and perhaps on a lower level disturbed. “What,” he says. And I have the same f*cking feeling. If only this guy was still here. If only. He’s quiet.

Sorry I fixed that glitch. Mira disappears. f*ck. WHY DID IT HAVE TO GO THIS WAY? My one source of hope in the f*ckign madness of this place. I just wish it could have never ended. “If John was here, Jim might be safe, but since he’s not…”
Sorry I dont k now how that hapend (i fixe it :))
What the f*ck is going on, I have to keep asking. Crying sounds coming from the notebook that Salvador is in. Because that’s how it works. But yeah , I’m confused and Jim seems to be confused too. Because he himself asks “Why am I not safe?” as he is suddenly playing games, as he always does even now. Seems like he’s never changed all this time. That’s at least one thing that seems like a constant, I guess. It’s good to have that sort of thing. Ella is silent again, which I think is weirdly fitting. Alisa, as is characteristic of herself, laughs. This is a constant now, I assume. “Ask Geoff that,” she says, and I don’t think we’ll ever get context as to what she’s referring to.
John enters. Maybe he’ll be the anchor that finally calms everything down for good. (Spoiler alert: he won’t be.) Nevaeh: “Uh… Jim. I think Salvador--” she is interrupted by this: “Yay, John!” out of the mouth of this f*cking annoying prick Alisa who just CANNOT shut her GOD damn f*ckING trap. lmao
“Hi,” John says slowly, boredly. He doesn’t want to be here, and it’s pretty damn evident. “Ok, Jim, you’re safe,” says Alisa. “Hey John,” says Jim chirpily, because his entire demeanor is that of chirpiness (at least for the time being).why won’t they do something cool. “Salvador, he’s yours,” says Alisa then. “Hi,” John repeats in the exact same tone, with the exact same disconnected and uncaring demeanor. “I’m safe now, I guess,” Jim says slowly, obviously still confused as to what exactly is happening. There’s an uncomfortable air to everything that’s going on suddenly, or at least that’s how I feel about it.
John, I think he smiles when he says it and turns around. He says “bye” and Jim freaks out, but at the same time it doesn’t seem to be the end of the world to him either, because otherwise he might be on his feet, running to try to keep Jim in the room. It’s so f*cking alien and weird. I’m not particularly mad about reading this anymore, it just feels really f*cking strange to read now. Almost like I’m reading the transcript of the sh*ttiest David Lynch film ever. Inland Empire on even more crack than I could ever conceive it to be. “Aww. Jim,” Alisa says, up to her usual antics like usual. Vrios, who?, shows up. They feel oddly familiar and nobody seems to notice. Salvador removes themself from the book and is back out into the world.
Z (no, not THAT one) enters, and the room feels significantly different now. There would almost even be an ominous feeling about if everything that was going on wasn’t going on, but it has to happen, specifically just to piss me off. It’s like everything about this was designed PURELY for that purpose but I just can’t find it in me to care anymore. Who could find it in them anymore? Really. Take a step back and just. Think. I mean I wish I could do that too but I’m not some sort of f*cking sage stoic master. IF YOU GOT TRAPPED WRITING A BOOK WHEN YOU HAVE NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE DOING IT, YOU’D BE f*ckING EMATo be a joke and look
Another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook
For the last time, take a good hard look
Ella screams “f*ck. f*ck. f*ck.” and she goes on like this for a long while. Yeah, me too. I feel that. I feel that in me right now like you don’t even know. THAT”S WHAT SHE SAID
“Am I not safe again?” asks Jim.
“Oh sh*t, it’s my boy Z,” says Alisa. Like she knows. It’s surprising that she’s the only person who seems to mind here. It’s so f*cking absurd. I can barely stand it. “JACK,” Ella screeches. “Jim. I,” Salvador says simultaneously. “No,” Alisa says in reply to Jim. WHY IS THERE SO MUCH ALWAYS GOING ON AND WHY DOES IT FEEL LIKE I’VE ALREADY REACHED A POINT OF TENSION IN THIS STORY THAT WILL PROBABLY COLLAPSE IN A SECOND.
Vrios: “What’s going on, Z.” Yes, that is the right thing to do.
Actually, now that I think about it, this is very legitimately insightful. Was there a time where people could actually (somewhat) coexist like this? Is Vrios just a missionary of Z? No, more of a doggystyle of Z. Of course there’s still a lot of tension but it actually isn’t the worst here. I think that this might just be me, but there’s not so much hostility. Maybe this isn’t so bad. It makes me… profoundly sad now, actually. I never thought that this sort of thing could happen, but here I am. It still amazes me. And I’m only 11 pages in. What the f*ck.

“What’s up,” Z says in reply to Vrios. They seem chill. Even down to earth in all of this madness going on. “Jim, play Assassin’s Creed 2 for the PlayStation 3 with me,” she says and he replies: “Okay!” with a smile on his face. He seems bright and cheerful and continues playing.
“Go away, Z” is all that Alisa says.
“The sky, Z .The sky,” is what Jim says.
“Can I play too?” Vrios’ words.
“Yeah,” Alisa says as she sits down next to Jim. A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
“Uh,” Salvador says, obviously unnerved. A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
“Huh! 2 Jims,” Alisa says, having already long embraced the madness. No, she is the f*cking arbiter of the madness, what am I saying? The source of it all. It’s a f*cking joke to say that she’s not the cause of it. She is, definitely. It’s just so surreal. So f*cking surreal. I should not say why. A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
Jim 2 echoes Chad Warden’s first words. Jim 1 says to Vrios: “Certainly,” because he’s a pretentious dickwad, and he throws Vrios the controller in a very nonchalant manner, probably because he has a lot of those to go around. Ella is sick of this sh*t, sick as she’s always been. No, something seems wrong. She’s staring off into space. A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
“The Hell,” Jim 1 finally remarks about his clone. “I have a clone?” A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
“Alright, Salvador, you get one and I get one,” Alisa says. This is obviously already a weird situation. But it just seems to get weirder and weirder every single time I try to figure something new out that’s going on. Something new just gets added and I get distracted and there’s no way for me to get to the bottom of what they’re trying to show me. I can’t f*cking figure it out. I just cannot. Jim 1 smiles and greets his clone, because he’s a pretty laid back guy. A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
Jim 2 finally says the first thing he ever does other than his mocking of Chad. “Hey.” He leans against the tall frame of the wall. Vrios is kind enough as well. Kind enough to reply with the same., in a general sense of things. A copy of Jim walks in. This will become a theme.
Alisa, being the dumbass she is, literally hops over to Jim 2 and does what you would expect her to do, which is to say kiss the dude without his permission. He yells a little. “Hi!” Alisa says, only further exacerbating the problem. It’s like a f*cking circus in here. I hate it. I f*cking loathe it as a matter of fact. You’ll never believe who walks in. It’s thematic.
Vrios watches this and is immediately taken aback, as shocked as Mira was when she was watching this sh*t. Alisa laughs. Vrios says what we’re all thinking at this point: “Alisa. Calm the f*ck down.” Glad someone’s finally gotten the gall to say it.
Jim 2 retrieves a dagger from thin air and shanks Alisa, along with Jims 3-6, like we all want to do.das craaazy. Okay. Jim 2 says “No kissing,” with a little bit of a groan at the end, because he’s a f*cking edgelord like that. “He tastes good,” Alisa says like the f*cking child she is. It’s highly evident that he just Does Not Want to do this all, and that’s respectable. Highly respectable, as a matter of fact. If I were him I would just say f*ck it and leave. “That doesn’t work,” Alisa said then laughed after she realized that she’d been mortally wounded. Because of course that’s how it works. Of f*cking course.

trc1 000:00:30:00.00, by Flying cadavers (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.