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Urban Homestreading at the Enchanted Garden. Join Us! by YourEnchantedGardener 15 y
9:30 amAugust 8, 2010 WOULD YOU LIKE TORETREAT AT OUR DOME IN AUGUSTOR LIVE HER AS A RESIDENThelping to GROUND THEENCHANTED GARDEN INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY$385.00 for our Garret Room.It is small and unique, cozy.I lived in here for eight years andhad great writing. Lots of love in this room.SEE ADDD# 47590 DOMEIT is available for Day use as a personal retreat space.for artists. An amazing space, in the spape of a Geodesic Dometo come and Plant Your Dream.Call to find out rates. ... 2,111 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Got Kombucha? by chef jem

14 y
Have you tried kombucha? There are more varieties that are available in stores now than can easily be listed in this instant! If you like kombucha then have you thought of making your own? I can assure you that it is virtually as easy as making tea! It really is! I have been making kombucha for over thirteen years now. Mine is 100% organic and made with great mountain spring water! It’s the best! And it’s getting better all the time! I’m intending to make a 100% Biodynamic kombucha! BK. (The initials of my very first childhood infatuation!)One of the great things about making your own ... 24,457 hits
Blog: Chef Jem

Headlines to help monkeys wake up

RRR by Newport 14 y
Jim Rogers: ”Prepare for a lost decade or more” Will Attempts By Politicians To Steal Police Pensions Be The Wake-Up Call Cops Need? General Electric Sends 14 Billion Dollar Per Year X-Ray Business To China Losing in Libya Video: I Saw Many Killed Under Torture: Guantanamo Torture Survivor Palestinian children endure systematic abuse from Israel’s military courts, say reports Top US General Threatens ‘Reaction’ to Iran Over Rising Iraq Violence CHART OF THE DAY: The Housing Double Dip Gets EVEN Worse NATO Vows Continued Bombing in Libya US Su ... 889 hits
Forum: Ask Trapper

Re: Worrying developments, kids included by Athena.Erdmann

16 y
OK, another maybe 10 minutes...Looking at what I wrote last, I can easily see you asking, why would I have gotten together with him to begin with.We were old friends (just friends) from college times, and I trusted him. He seemed like the stereotypical Nice Guy, always in the shadow of his rather womanizing best friend.When we got together, I had just left a relationship, was almost poor economically, pretty ill and emotionally a mess. We met accidentally a few times after my breakup, and he was a good listener. I had been on my own for less than nine months when our relation ... 2,088 hits
Forum: Marriage

Things I need to remember by Athena.Erdmann

16 y View Entire Thread 4
This is mostly for myself, to keep my focus and goals. Support and comments are really welcome, though.Things I need to remember myself and especially must remember to tell those whom I turn to for help, about my husband’s behavior.He has a few ”stock” reactions / answers to my negative claims about his behavior:First and foremost, for several years now he has not listened through a whole comment or even the first example. He starts to react (usually strongly) in the middle of my speech.The ”expansive” or ”explosive” ones (most typical these days):-But you’re doing [exa ... 2,096 hits
Forum: Marriage

Fungus/MS by refreshed

16 y View Entire Thread 5
I thought this post seemed to belong in this forum instead of the ML forum. So I thought I would share it here, since it does not fit ML’s ideas.Interesting idea. I’m able to use the Moreless protocols to get rid of the symptoms of MS.Subject: Re: Multiple Sclerosis and pHUsername: wisdomandunderstanding contact wisdomandunderstanding email wisdomandunderstandingDate: 1/22/2009 5:08:34 PM ( 91 sec æ ago )Hits: message viewed 3 timesSize: 1680 char. URL: Scleros ... 1,316 hits
Forum: Candida Support

Progesterone and weight gain by Claudia1969

17 y View Entire Thread 5
Increase in POCS and obesity due to young-age use of progesterones?2 March 2006Ellen C G Grant,physican and medical gynaecologistKingston-upon-Thames, KT2 7JU, UKSend response to journal:Re: Increase in POCS and obesity due to young-age use of progesterones?Professor Balen and colleagues write that PCOS is increasing because more women are becoming obese.1 Progesterone use can cause rapid weight gain and many adolescent girls therefore refuse to continue taking the Pill.In an attempt to cut the numbers of unplanned teenage pregnancies more longer-acting forms of progest ... 4,634 hits
Forum: Mirena IUD Forum Birth Control Obesity Support

Re: HELP! My two year old loves raw milk! by MH 108

17 y
Ok....this is my dilemma! I only breastfed my son for three months....which then he went onto raw cows milk formula I made at home. NEVER had any issues with it!GREAT.I know....I probally should have used raw goats milkONLY IF YOU HAD A GOAT, MOST BABIES ARE RAISED ON THE the time but didn’t know better. Now that he’s two years old, we have decreased his milk intake to about no more than 12oz a day. The issue is...he has had constipation issues alot lately and im thinking he may be getting to a point where he can’t tolerate and breakdown the milk anymore.I WOULD BE L ... 1,246 hits
Forum: Ask Barefoot

Re: updated thinking on "iodism"~ it's really brominism!! by wombat

18 y
it’s NOT the iodine, it’s what the iodine is displacing, those nasty bromides....I can’t find the post by Citingsources right now, but she said that she asked the Q of Dr. Eskin... about iodism REALLY being brominism. He allowed that that could certainly be the case. As you know, he is one of the original researchers:) And, when he said that, CS said that she ”could’ve hugged him”..Anyway, here’s a post I did a couple of months ago. This post contains OLD statistics re: adverse effects. More people reported adverse effects taking a PLACEBO than supping iodine. Please scroll down to r ... 3,577 hits 1 of 1 (100%)
Forum: Iodine Supplementation

Tribute: Twin Soul/Best Friend by YourEnchantedGardener

18 y
9:09 PMApril 25, 07”Heart’s Desire”Blog #9I am taking Space now.I wanted to honor Twin Soul/Best Friend,a very dear Soul with thispoem that I found in my cleanup.I want to send Healing Throughther way, during this time thatmay not be comfortable for her.This Mp3 is my friend Marina Lighthousereading ”Because She is a Woman,”#2 of The Seven Love Cures (Charms).Listen here only.© 2004, Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted gardener Launch in external player or download. New Blogs:What fun! ... 2,772 hits
Blog: Heart's Desire

Re: ¥ Its this time of the year again! Day 1 of 60! by Picolo Lepere

20 y
Hi Midge, I believe I’ve done 3 cleanses so far, the first was 35 days and the others were shorter. I tried a plain water fast once for 3 days and it took me a week to recuperate, so I won’t be trying that one again.The master cleanse is great, the first time I lost 50 lbs and the energy boost is the best. You feel like a million bucks after day 3-4 and wonder why you ever ate as much food as you did in the past when simple lemonade can do. Skin clears up and mental fog goes away!Good luck with your cleanse :)Picolo 753 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp

Re: Has anyone heard of Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith? by SF1933

18 y
Here are some of the titles of Dr.Wilder-Smith’s Creation and Evolution Lectures1 Origin of Life (Creation or Evolution?) 1/3 Biology, Genetic Codes, Information...Genesis 1; John 14 Terrorism,The Criminal Mind, Neo-Darwinism, Environmentalism, Marxism, Stalin,...Matthew 15:15-20; Proverbs 4:235 A Study of AIDS (Creation/Evolution?) 5/5 - Helping the Dying & God’s Judgement...Romans 1:28-32; 2 Corinthians 5:116 Why Does God Allow Suffering? (Creation/Evolution?) 1/5 Trials, Tribulation,...Romans 8:18; Mark 8:317 The Serpent on a Pole 1 of 3 - How To Teach Chil ... 5,682 hits
Forum: Evolution Debate

Re: Has anyone heard of Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith? by Celcius

18 y
the agenda of the neo darwinist is not so much in proving evolution but the hegelian approach of forced consensis to abolish christianity! I doubt very much that those entrenched in the malthusian concepts of darwin and hegel will be open to the good doctors ideals especially those like Corinthian! I am sure when he gets back from being booted for a week he will denounce all of Dr. Wilder-Smiths theories as unscientific and unable to disprove the so called hard science of neo darwinism!However thank you for the links , do you have any others of his theories in print and not media lecture ... 5,362 hits
Forum: Evolution Debate

Re: Has anyone heard of Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith? by SF1933

18 y
Celcius,Thank for your comment and for asking for more info. I found these books on his website at I am glad you asked because I would also like to read some of these myself. (By the way, I am 74 and was born in San Francisco=sf1933.) I have never heard of him until today, and I don’t usually listen to the same speaker lecture for 1hr 17 minutes and 47 minutes on the same day for various reasons.He Who Thinks Has To BelieveBy: Dr. A. E. Wilder-SmithPublisher: The Word For TodayA fictional analogy about a lost ”prehistoric” tribe confronted ... 5,786 hits
Forum: Evolution Debate

Re: Has anyone heard of Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith? by Antic_Rhino

18 y
Nonsense.The plan of those who have merged classical Darwinian evolution with modern genetics is not so much in proving evolution but the Hegelian model - The model begins with an existing thesis, with contradictions intrinsic to it. These contradictions create the thesis’ direct opposite, or antithesis, bringing about a period of conflict between the two. Eventually a synthesis idea emerges from this conflict and then discovers it’s own problems. The cycle then begins anew – approach of forced agreement to abolish Christianity. I doubt very much that those entrenched in the Malt ... 5,265 hits
Forum: Evolution Debate

Re: Has anyone heard of Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith? by Antic_Rhino

18 y
Good (policy. set of guideless. Body of teachings, Authoritative orreligions teachings) – none of which apply. Educated beyond their intelligence – impossible, illogical andabsurd idea. Cups filled with religious teachings accepted to be true –evolution is not a religion, nor is it based on authority. It is basedon evidence. Unable to accept new theory – you contradictory since Hegel isall about new theories.Marx, Darwin, Hegel – impossible to link them together in anymeaningful manner. Familiarize yourself with their works. ... 5,258 hits 0 of 2 (0%)
Forum: Evolution Debate

Re: Has anyone heard of Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith? by SF1933

18 y
Thanks, Celcius, that was very interesting to me, too. Here is what I heard him speak about today from this book.It was in #16 The Creation Evolution Debate 3 of 5 Irrefutable Scientific Proof of the ABSOLUTE IMPOSSIBILTY of evolution by a Top ScientisRomans 1:19-20, Genesis 1***I have edited this message as I used #22 in error. I apologize to those who thought they would hear the example shown below, but this is the correct one. Since he gives the abosulute impossibility of evolution, this is the one to listen to if you only hear one. After his introduction, he mainly uses scien ... 5,605 hits
Forum: Evolution Debate

The pyramid in South Pole, Great Wall of China ,Sara-ba-n-d by Takashi

8 y
The pyramid in South Pole, Great Wall of China ,Sara-ba-n-do, The satellites of Pluto, The continental shelf,large number of deaths 707 hits
Blog: ”Atoms have consciousness” with images

MycoPlasma, AIDS, HIV, CFS, GWI, FM, ETC all linked..!! ... by CHESTA

18 y
Healing stuff is toward the end, for those that would like to skip ahead.MYCOPLASMAThe Linking Pathogen in Neurosystemic DiseasesSeveral strains of mycoplasma have been ”engineered” to become more dangerous. They are now being blamed for AIDS, cancer, CFS, MS, CJD and other neurosystemic diseases.________________________________________NOTE this link section updated September 2007 original document ... 28,222 hits
Forum: Coconut Oil AIDS Support Aromatherapy

The story of the universe by Takashi

9 y
The story of the universe  This info is from”Let’s solve the enigma of the earth” Ms Taeko Shiraki(a channeler)The following was told through the channeling.It was not written by imagination.-------------------------------------------------------------The story of the universe (from the birth of stars to the birth of life)1)There was darkness in the beginning of the universe.First of all, the thoughts was born in the darkness.It was the thought which means ”What?”Th ... 644 hits
Blog: Atoms have consciousness

On parade series of mysterious rocks and buildings by Takashi

10 y
On parade series of mysterious rocks and buildings Balance Rocks in the world on parade beings 【supplement August 9, 2012 】| Ancient murals in Egypt on parade civilization on parade rocks on parade ... 607 hits
Blog: ”Atoms have consciousness” with images

Darwinism ~Marxism ~ Atheism by Celcius

18 y
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 1Marx and Darwinby Dr. John Ankerberg/Dr. John Weldon(Excerpted from Darwin’s Leap of Faith, Harvest House, 1998)Darwinism was effectively used to propagate Communist ideology. Karl Marx “felt hisown work to be the exact parallel of Darwin’s” and he was so grateful that he wanted todedicate a portion of Das Kapital to Darwin, who declined the honor. 49Marx wrote to Engels concerning The Origin of Species, that this was the book which“contains the basis in natural history for our views.” 50In 1861 ... 976 hits
Forum: Evolution Debate

Rothschilds emerge unscathed from Financial Meltdown by Quinta_Essentia

17 y View Entire Thread 2
i know, you’re shocked aren’t you? first barons of bankingRupert WrightLast Updated: November 06. 2008 8:11PM UAE / November 6. 2008 4:11PM GMTAmong the captains of industry, spin doctors and financial advisers accompanying British prime minister Gordon Brown on his fund-raising visit to the Gulf this week, one name was surprisingly absent. This may have had something to do with the fact that the tour kicked off in Saudi Arabia. But by the time the group reached Qatar, Baron David de Rothschild wa ... 1,304 hits 1 of 2 (50%)
Forum: Conspiracy Forum

Next 48 Hours--Leave Wednesday for NPEW by YourEnchantedGardener

16 y
10:35 PMAngelene is helping me come out of winter.This is difficult separatng some dreamsthat died, letting goletting go of stuff inthe EG Mobile.We are workng late at night.I covet this Mona Vie bottle emptyand this Sleep & Pure Relaxation glass bottlefrom home Nutritional Laboritories.2:38 PMMarch 2, 2009March 5 I want to be in Anaheim,about 100 miles from here.I will be there for five days.Plant a pot of wheat seeds last nightto acknowledge the Transformationthat can happen in the next seven days.I am tired and weary.Just back ... 2,221 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Re: selenium warning (again) by wombat

14 y
excellent advice to get the amalgams out. I had mine removed a couple of years after starting iodine(and selenium). I’m not schizo, yet:)A quick review of this site tells me that it is probably funded by the tuna packers of america or somesuch, but even so there is info here that conflicts with your post. I think we need some discussion on this.Discussion: best science indicates that trace amounts of mercury in the fish Americans eat simply aren’t high enough to pose a health risk.But measuring only m ... 7,509 hits
Forum: Iodine Supplementation


21 y View Entire Thread 4
it was suggested that i post this where more newcommersmight have access to reading that is what i am doing.hope you find something here that might help youas you plot your journey to better health.............................................................. Subject: Re: Need help please!From: Wrenn | All Wrenn’s Messages | Date: 5/19/2004 5:04:00 AM ( 77 sec æ ago ) hi 90% of folks have parasites and / or are constantly being can address this situation by many means/ using parasite treatment programsor altering you food ... 1,215 hits
Forum: Ask CureZone


21 y View Entire Thread 8
it was suggested that i post this where more newcommersmight have access to reading that is what i am doing.hope you find something here that might help youas you plot your journey to better health.............................................................. Subject: Re: Need help please!From: Wrenn | All Wrenn’s Messages | Date: 5/19/2004 5:04:00 AM ( 77 sec æ ago ) hi 90% of folks have parasites and / or are constantly being can address this situation by many means/ using parasite treatment programsor altering you food ... 1,345 hits
Forum: Master Cleanse Supp


21 y View Entire Thread 4
it was suggested that i post this where more newcommersmight have access to reading that is what i am doing.hope you find something here that might help youas you plot your journey to better health.............................................................. Subject: Re: Need help please!From: Wrenn | All Wrenn’s Messages | Date: 5/19/2004 5:04:00 AM ( 77 sec æ ago ) hi 90% of folks have parasites and / or are constantly being can address this situation by many means/ using parasite treatment programsor altering you food ... 1,675 hits
Forum: Bowel Cleanse Support

Medicine of Tomorrow Today by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
4:35 AMNovember 5, 06The History of Peace on EarthThese are the notes I composedfor the Closing Ceremony at the Pacific Symposiumthat I will read this morning.Jack has O.K.ed two minutes....I will likely read part of this...This appears on the Plant Your Dream Blogon is a list of Thanks to helpersand Sponsors of the Plant Your DreamAltar at the Pacific Symposium.More Sponsors will be forthcoming: links tomorrow.__Intro Not ... 1,919 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Love Feast by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Is it possible that when whole beings gatherwe can come away with new life?In whole being time,some tiny walls that keep me feeling separatecome down.In whole being time,life shows mepeople can open their heartsbefore they even know me.Maybe they know the part of me that matters.Life shows me what it feels like to be me, and be alive.I now know: There are tons of people who take itfor granted I am good, and friendly.Who I am as I am deserves to be supported in this world.I am not alone.Other people feel the same way I doand they are here. Clouds lif ... 1,629 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Trends for July by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Completing on the Mercury Retrograde blogI left up in the air a few days ago.Realize that article in online thanksto friends at The Light Connectionthe great San Diego News magazine.Here is my personal trend for the month.You can check out your own at the linkbelow.Scorpio- Long distance travel and/or new educational pursuitsraise the level of fun and excitement this month.Financial opportunities empower your abilityto make productive investments and free up more of your timeto be spent in spiritual renewal and creative activities.The work you have been doin ... 1,013 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Feel the Love! by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
8:57 AMJuly 31, 06Listening toThe Council of Elders”by Michael HammerOn ”Soul’s Light” CD.Highly Recommended.Set up various Angel cardson my desk in eye view behind the laptop.When into the garden yesterdayto find my spirit.Woke up this morning with immensefears not normally felt.Rained all night.Unusual rain for July 31.Weather pattern is very unusual.Took time to clean the crock pot.Took some stunning photos brieflyof Cheramoya flowers in bloom.This is the time you need to get a paintbrush in to transfer pollen if you want morefruit ... 1,064 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Nurturing Breakfast by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
9:18 AMAugust 9., 06Feeling hungrybefore settling in to Workon Finances.Made a fruit salad:First banana off the stockhanging, the stock that grewin the front yard.Two nectarines off the treeI can see outside the kitchen windowA quick run out the front door topick up a Rose Apple that felloff the tree this morning.Two peaches sliced grown bySteve the Farmer from the FMSome blueberries from WFM.Some bee pollen.Some acidophilus from BIO Kon it.Music playing from Jonathan Goldman,sound healer on the computer.Oceana from Celes ... 1,124 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

gmo alert! by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
GMO Bill SB1056 Alert! Posted by: ”Helene” h_idels Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:09 am (PST)List Members - See info below............----- Original Message -----From: ”jm” To: To: p. (510) 816-0631___9:39 PMSeptember 3, 06# Plant Your Dream! by YourEnchantedGardener æ 41,207 page views# Apple Cider Vinegar Cure Research Blog by RisingSun 31,671 page views# MB Report by Ana 19,055 page views# Wedding Diet by annaconda 17,696 page views# Alkalising My Way to Perfect Health! by In ... 1,270 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Dear Goldman by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
8:54 AMJune 21, 06Dear Gold Man,This is the Day of the Summer Solstice,the Lightest and Longest Day of the Year.Write Your Self a Little Letter.You are Most Blessed.You have all the Capacities you need.You have an endless stream of Opportunities.You have All the Love you Ask for,and with each experience you Desire,comes the Price.You were once very Crippled.You did not know where to Go.You created a Harpo, a man on a Missionwho came to Mission Beach for a moment in time.He paid a High Price.He Left the world he knew behind to become ... 1,208 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

NO More Fear??? by YourEnchantedGardener

20 y
i wrote this as a comment on the Plant Your Dream blogin response to the thread there.Re: FEAR!by YourenchantedgardenerSubject: Re: FEAR!From: Yourenchantedgardener | All Yourenchantedgardener’s Messages |Date: 9/9/2005 8:52:11 AM ( 120 s æ ago ) ... FEAR is the NO 1 thingthat STOPS me from doing anything.FEAR is the NO 1 thingthat is used to STOP and DISTRACT.Humanity has always been controlledby FEAR.I found that when I attended the showingof the Conspiracy film Confront the Evidenceabout a month ago, I felt fear.I was wonderi ... 1,037 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Zam Zam Holy Water by YourEnchantedGardener

20 y you Motherof4by YourenchantedgardenerSubject: Thank you Motherof4From: Yourenchantedgardener | All Yourenchantedgardener’s Messages |Date: 9/16/2005 5:06:45 AM ( 3 min æ ago ) ... From Motherof4 Site:”The prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: ”This is the source of the tradition of the Sa’y (rituals of the hajj, pilgrimage) the going of people between them (As-Safa and Al-Marwa). When she reached Al Marwa (for the last time) she heard a voice and she asked herself to be quiet and listened attentively. She heard t ... 2,198 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Vibe8's Seed Dream by YourEnchantedGardener

20 y
Plant Your Dream!by YourEnchantedGardenerSubject: Plant Your Dream!From: YourEnchantedGardener | All YourEnchantedGardener’s Messages |Date: 10/23/2005 10:03:27 PM ( 3 s æ ago ) ... ”Tomorrow’s the day I hope to know whether I have another job lined up and can give 2 weeks’ notice at my current job. How I wish my alternative health business would clear enough actual profit to support me and my family. I have marketed marketed marketed in every creative and low cost way I possibly can, but most months it is a miracle if I make enough to pay the rent for m ... 1,072 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

Bo Lozoff experience by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
Subject: we definitely need....From: finallyfaith | All finallyfaith’s Messages |Date: 2/18/2006 9:25:52 PM ( 9 min æ ago ) ... ...more people like this guy around!! wow thanks for sharing, he sounds is he to talk to in person?ffO.K. O.K. here is my experience with Bo LozoffI believe the year was 1995.My honeymoon with Jewish Renewal was over.Jewish Renewal is a Kabbalistically oriented movementin Judaism, the place where the New Age kinda of Mystics hang out..There are a lot of women rabbis in Jewish Renewal.I went to this ... 1,152 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

E.A.R.T. H. Commendation by YourEnchantedGardener

19 y
May 8, 064:28 PMHilton San Diego Resort Executive Chef HermannSchaefer, and I, will receive Honorable Mentionat the 11th Annual Very Important Planet (VIP) Receptionthis Thursday night in San Diego.Here is information about this wonderful eveningevent. I would like Chef Hermann to come and will call himpersonally. The event begins at 6 PM and the Awards are at 8 PMOur annual VIP Reception is an evening of celebration, acknowledgment and fun. This event brings together individuals from government, industry and nonprofit organizations, and private citizens – represe ... 1,332 hits
Blog: Plant Your Dream!

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Author: Van Hayes

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.