Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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Journal and Courieri

Lafayette, Indiana

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Monday Evening becmber lr 17 10 'r MISCELLANEOUS OR BALE 1 MISCELLANEOUS OR SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS' i 4 SERVICES OERED i SERVICES OERED ARM PRODUCTS i notices HELP MALE 3 1 RUITS AND VEGETABLES 110 CHIPPEWA POTATOES 1311 UNION 8t Phon 36752 ree delivery i EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY INSTRUCTIONS APPLY IN PERSON 9:00 A to 11:00 A' HENRY PESHA ARM MACHINERY live available Write or call Jt PETS Vf MISCELLANEOUS OR SALE Deere sheller mounted on 1947ord truck! Try it and you will agree it does a fast Phone 139 th I a Journal and Courier Classified Ad Rates OPENING IN OUR CAKE DEPART ment for man Interested In learning trade Night work Graves Bakery WOOD AND STEEL GATES ARMERS STORE Bowers Bros Electric Shop 110 No Sth St Phone 4875 loor Sanders loor Waxers Steam Paper Removers OR RENT 4 wItch repairing SCHICK ELECTRIC SHAVERS Reading numeral Precision Painting and DecoratingInterior an Exterior ROBERT "gOOK fri 1523 So Eighteenths St Phone 83242 AMERICAN ENCE CARLOAD ON HAND AROUND JAN 10 orders now being taken 32 39 47 and 4 point barb ARMERS EED STORE YOUR OfiDS DEALER ifth and erry 'Sts Phone 7318 14 REIMERS PURE GRATED HORSE radish la here again you cannot w4fet Reimers horseradish st your ro come ro 1814 Washington St Al ways lir accept none other Cail 11591 Win deliver two Quarts or more reasonable distance asaa Cigarette Lighters Evans' Thor ens Bowers Recent etc Pines Yellow Bowl Kaywoodie Danco etc Complete line of smokers sup plies tobaccos and cigars CIGAR STORE 713 Main HerirSims Jeweler 20 Third Street Experienced body shop 'man Percentage basis Place to Grove Appliances 1729 Main 'Ph 6249 OWNER JACKSON MATTRESS Now located at 202 Columbia St and" 910 Main St Two stores to serve your bedding needs new In nerspring mattresses cotton felt mattresses feather mattresses pil lows box springs custom built to your specifications Dial 7424 or bring in your old mattresses and let us make them into beautiful innersprings When you think of mattresses remem ber Mr years of exper ience is behind every Blue Ribbon Mattress new or rebuilt you can rest assured of the best of mater? ials and workmanship' HAMPSHIRE BOARS Open and brad gilts Hareford bulls and prlcad to sell Two miles west of owler north Joe Goodman owler Ind 2 MASON TO LAY CONCRETE BLOCK Phone 2488 Truck Driver Wanted Experienced coal truck driver Must know city Steady work good pay PULL BLOODED CHESTER I WHI1E male and two buck lambs Chester Potts" Goodlandx 1 tW fS LOOR REINISHING' Bandlnr reconditioning Cant boat Quality thone 5171 NEW AND USED PIANOS Ramseyer at 1122 east main 9 A Ml TO a P'M Custom rates New John ELECTRIC TANK HEATERS OIL TANK HEATERS PLENTY ON HAND ARMERS EED STORE Hot Point Smithway and Clark Single and Twin Units L30 to 80 gal 'size You can have running hot water in your home at a nominal cost See us for free estimate BALED ALALA HAY i BRING SAMPLE BALES ARMERS EED STORE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC arid GAS WATER HEATERS bring your car to ps unless you want itserviced correctly by competent me chanics Complete service on all makes of cars trucks and tractors Kentland Motor Sales Inc Phone' 294 Kentland Ind Why dig? We clean sewers down spouts sink lines with modern electrical equipment' You'll know the cost before we start Two years guarantee SEWER SERVICE Phone 56442 DON'T PUT IT If your present' car needs work wo suggest that you have it done now New cars will be scarce for another year or more gladly give an estimate of work needed lx BECKER COAL CO 539 Erie Phone 5476 PAINTING' Interior Exterior 1 YORK PHONE 4234' PALOMINO STUD 2 YEARS OLD bold face dark gold When ahed Bell or trade for heifers Everett Stewart Rensselaer" Ind 2 miles east bf Rens selaer 1 I i NOW 'IS THE TIME to have those old lumpy hard mat tresses rebuilt Into lovely Inner springs full of eomfort and Ono day ser vice Also feather renovating Pillows and feather Met tresses made to order JACKSON MATTRESS CO 721 Main St Dial 7787 Direct Relf starting Come in and see them at DUROC BOATS' Abortion free: big thick dark red boars ready for service: blgrerllttere faster gains more pork to sol" when vou use those good sires Raymond Smith I milm north 4 miles easl of Remington in person stating age ex perience and give references Good proposition fori the rAt 8 tjght man O4 SALE RECORD PLAYER: AL mot new leather covered Masco electric with tone control Priced at 22S40 for quick sale Can be seen be tween 4 and 2 pm 221 North 2th NOTICE MY OICE AND SHOP will be closed from Tuesday Decind to Saturday Dec 4th Raster Plumbing and Heating McKinsey's Service Mobilgas Mobilubrication Mobiloil Phone 112 3 Linden Ind MONDAY THROUGH RIDAY PHONE 8435 CASH PAID or Dead Animals Horses Cattle Hogs PHONE LAAYETTE 4200 INDIANA RENDERING CO LANAGAN or experienced meat cutter and salesman or saleswoman in retail meat market CUSTOM CORN PICKING Two mounted pickers Price 24 uer acre "See Howard Moore or Buifcv 1102 South 21st Phons 2012 SPEBSQSA Regular meeting Monday December 1 Room 201 Lahr hotel Vis ttore welcome 'S Jackson's BLUE RIBBON MATTRESS COr Bl a word for oho day Jj lol Word fOf 'each additional 'day to run consecutively no one 4 time Ad published for less than 30c When an Ad run two or ttnore consecutive days the cost must average at least '30c per day Card of Thanks or Momortam" i WELDING ROD ACETYLENE AND ELEUtKIC in Stock STITZ COMPANY 213 215 South Phone 7229 ZIPPERS Installed in coats purses and brief cases THE RELIABLE SHOE SHOP 223 Main St Phone 2875 3 DAYRADIO SERVICEAll Work guaranteed We carry a cbmpleta line of Admiral and Stewart Warner radios Also email appltaneoa Lehnen Radio 1T2 I Main Phone 4102 CINDERS Also black dirt sand and gravel General hauMnr Call 41833 or 83923 in heating arid cobk stoves A11 in A 1'conditiori 2 Warm Morning Heaters each Zl $2250 Model Heaters Derby Heater Windsor Hfeater new bowl lorence Hotblast No 77 re built lorence Hotblasti No 53 A 'condition $27 50 Round Oaki Heater large $2250 lorence 'Hotblast No 77 A condition Two Large Heatrolas new bowls A Jkk 4900 All White Cook Stoye $3900 Kalamazoo "President Cook Stove A shape Quick Meal Cook Stove $49Q0 Tennessee Cook Stove com pletely rebuilt HOME URNITURE 5 7 North Third St Across from Sears Hoebuck ARMERS! I Cash for your dad animals horses cattle hogs We pay tele phone charges Phone 38i0 Lafayette ertiliser Co CHAS BREES Agent BRANCH RANKORT RENDERING CO COMMERCAL ART and Prompt service" with reasonable prices Phone 81072 HOT POINTRBU KLECTRId RANGE New late 46 Excellent condition Box entrance cable1235? 1 loyd Johnson Mulberry Ind Phonetil34R9 1 Radidos Record Players weiungnouse 'Stewart Warner EAGLE URNITURE CO Upright Scale ace White Porcelain Ruhber Platform Hand Adj ustmenti eighs up to 250 pounds and: 300 pounds PRICED' AT $1250 ft ''i EXCHANGE URNITURE CO 903 Main Street Lafayette Indiana CORN CRIBS Wood Slat HALL SALES CO Clarks HilL Ind PHONE 560 TABLE TOP GAS STOVES We lorence Detroit Jewels Quality Sunray Welbilt Eagle apartment size combination gas and IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CASH OR CREDIT BASS URNSTORE 432 434 Columbia Street PHONE 3495 SPECIALIZING IN INE WATCH REPAIRING ROBERT fW SMILEY Jeweler 1 CREprr WITH A SMILE Phone 6798 66 Main St Bring Your Roofing and Siding problems to HUYBERS HOME IMPROVEMENT CO 330 South 3rd St Phone 5755 MAVB IS TO 2544 ON NB QUALITY fur coats Bxnert reetvllna cleaning Notn urr Rt 43 2 mil outh of Phone 8512 IZA 0 UK N'ALfl 'A NJ) COUR IE GIRL'S 'SMALL BICYCLEjy large bicycle Phone 3424 office within Ast Insertion PHONE 4011 JUST Shipment heavy unfinished kitchen chairs oster's' urniture Co ifth and Main Streets Lafayette GOOD PAY JOB3 OERED TRAIN auto body fender men In daily 'want ads" Put in a few hours weekly i earning welding painting metal worktc Chance for high wages or yourown business Veterans and non veter 6 ne Write for free information Auto rafts Training' 0 14 Journal Courier On NylCfert WW? llnS 21 4th St opposite Loebs Annas We Sall Clasps and Cord i Electric Vacuum defers Repaired ANTHONY Radio and Refrigerator Cltnto 1117 14th St Phone 2T81 7502Xj Electric Service Industrial and residential wiring Phone 4997 17 llth Out of town Ad must bo too om do mod by full payment for name unlase byveoeelal agreement thia rule be waived This newspaper roeervee the Ight toelaas'fv Ada according to its own voles Mtd regulations Classified Ads run In kll Editions Ad oony must bo tn thia' office notlater than 9:00 a on date of first 'ublloatlon In case of error advertise must make Sjserrectlon before second insertion All classified dceounta' pay able at Journal and Courier efnee within ten days after I OR SALE ICE SKATES slse 5: guitar like new Phone' 11974 1 'B' 1 Household and commercial refrigerators' and freezers Sales and service Corn Shelling and Hauling er better job Gphil woods' POULTRY AND SUPLEE3 BROODER HOUSE 3x10 MADE all hardwood Brand new DeLava! cream separator Junior i number 3 Phono Ys9 KAI Sired by tried and proven rat killers Easy keep and train Ruth Lind burg 4 Stump St Williamsport Jnd HELP WANTED EM ALE: WANTED: LADYj'rd CLEAN 4 ROOM apartment1 once i a week Wtlte Box 0 24 woumal Courier 1 HARRIS BROS 1 Main St Phone 6021 CARDS THANKS I WANT TO THANK ALL MY friends and neighbors for the flowere and kindness and refpact of my husband Jess Plumb who passed away November li 1947 Also I want to thank Rev A McClure and Boiler Baker uneral Home Mrax Gladys Plumb and amily' CROSS and CROWN WMTITEM Lafayette Commandery no a State Conclave Tuesday Dec 3 and pm election of ficers work: Order of Malta Pot luck supper at 6 pm Bowerman Com 1 2B McHaley Rec "The Pet Store 7 Everythlng mousfc to sn elephant Big supply of Jeed and doosiArinn tap Ell tWirJi GIVE A GIT THAT LIVES USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN I i DAVENPORT'S PET AND SUPPLY 1X0 Main SU 773 NO CHARGE HI' Tor your name oUch box of our Christmas Cardo Now and old linea in Price 8100 and up Kane a'Print Shop 4C1 29th Phone 5205 'h WANTED Henry Kessener HARDWARE STORE 'Second and Columbia Sts Phone New Cleaners or gale Bowers Bros Electric Shop ifth St Phone 4875 OR SALE ZINITH EIGHT TUBE Console radio in perfect condition Split second tuning with Magic Eye Standard wave band and two wave bands ton control Mahogany cabinet Price 340 Canbe aeen be tween 4 and bnt 321 South Jth street HdMB' GROWN GRIMES GOLDEN DWIctous Starklng and other varie ties Dropped apples 3 Baumgartner Road 55 Attica to Pino Village APPLE AND SWEET CIDER 1 MILE wost IM mile south of Rossville Bring containers No Sunday Bales MARTIN'S Plumbing Repairing New andUsed ixtures PHONE' 4819 MAN WITH CAR OR 14 DAYTIME hours weekly to1 'explain training pro gram available 'under OI Bill of Rights 31500 salary and auto allow ance with opportunity to eara double and triple for satisfactory worK Write Dept Amfcrldnn Technical So ciety 850 58th Chicago 37 EIGHT MEN WANTED AT ONCE ULL OR part time Just send name address for 'free copy of Specialty Salesman Magazine giving hundreds nf immed iate openings with reliable firms Sales experience unnecessary as wa also send free 2 pagb I bbthr ftefilnf how SPECIALTY SALESMAN MAGAZINE 307 Michigan Chicago 1 INSURANCE SALESMAN TO 8ER vlce and a Health Accident and Hospitalization debit Must have car Earnings first 13 weeks average 350 to per week portunity for advancement Call in per son at Room 17 Sharp Building be fore 9:30 am or see Mr Truitt Lahr Hotel after 7:30 pm 3 TUXEDOS AND 1 BROWN SUITize 33 regular A 511 1 "i 1 'J1 1 OR ELECTRIO 1 CADILLAC sweeper used only short time cheap Clifford Moulter Earl Park Ind Earl Park phone PING PONG TABLE COT ROCKERS mattressea springs breakfast set glass doom electrlo alarm clock mantel clock Phono'4i941 tft fe DIAMOND RING' ABOUT kt All platinum solltaltv 3400 Will send for examination dealers Write Box 0 17 Journal and Courier LEAVING TOWN HAVE OVR rooms of furniture for sale Sheivador refrigerator Hot Boy gas heater table top gas jrange chrome breakfast set kitchen cabinet? two utility cabinets three piece living room suite bedroom suite two 9xl2 axmlnster rugs 9x13 congoleum rug Many email numerouspto mention Pbone 4757 South 4tn ari New floor lamps $1495 New studio couch es $5250 up Lafayette 'urniture House 14 Third Phone 5991 Jdo you want clean modern clothes at very reasonable price! Try stoppingat THRIT CLOTHES 824 erry A Ort GAUGE SINGLg 81500 513 10 th BLACK ROTHMOOR COAT Like now Phone 75273 1 ATLAS MILLING MACHINE AND Ac cessories 10t Brown 1 DIAL 7424 BLUE RIBBON MATTRESS CO 2(12 Cot St 7 Main St Lafayette' Indiana Jackson owner 5 OR EXPERIENCED TUDOR ALL ages 31893 May Thomas 307 Cincinnati riends coming for xmas? Clean th rugi and upholstery with oam Bug Shop i i ANNUAL CHICKEN SUPPfiR AND bazaar at Congress Street Methodist church Wednesday 'evening December3 Bazaar open 6:00: supper served at Sponsored by i BEAUTIUL CHRISTMAS 1 GITS OR tv sale All hand made Always ap predated Embroidered pillow casesscarves sets novelties colorful' apronsSaIes every day except riday and GUITAR NICE LEATHER CASE Summers Romney Ind CA'SH OR YOUR UPRIGHT PLAYER grand: Beejay Plano Clinic 904 Main Phone' 2007 1 1 This coupon worth 50c on the new blocks tested SEWING MACHINE 7 SHOP 213 Tenth St Phone 5416 TWO IRISH MALES? IN GOOD CON di tlon Phone 55224 COLUMBIA BICYCLE AL moat new Phone 8 6 452 25c Some borne not bo new Late popular' Open till 9:90 tonight Lafayette Home Builders and Supply Company 1411 North 14th CREAM ILBERTS LB S9c KANDY KORNER A CHt) 8 8 ROM PURDUE BANK Piggly Wiglj Phone' 2820 501 Main Street WANTED GOOD OR' PART Persian kittens Phone 51383 BLOND co*ckER PUPPIES 3 MALES 3 females Born Oct' 18 Litter reels tered 250 Sheets ENGLISH SETTER BIRD DOG PUPS emales 31500 males 32000 Cha Dienhart 1801 Garden gf CANARIES INE SINGERS BEAUTI ful colon Some with red bird notes Red actors and femalea Annolntmenta nhone 35574 WANTED LITTER HATE CATSweighing 3 lb each or more under 1 yer of age and preferably from' the country To be shipped by express on Monday Tueeday or Wednesday only IS 00 each fo Zionsville Write for shinning date Pitman Moore Company Zionsville Ind HINDS AND VANDERGRA Bunding remodeling and cabinet work Phone 15521 CLEANING CESS POOLS SEPTIC TANKS AND vault Moddtn equipment used All work guaranteed Prices reasonable 75521' Smith WARM AIR BRICK LINED'1 COAL or wood stoves 100 1b capacity Special 33975 Jfayette Build ers and Supply Company' North 14th r'x MOTORS CA BINETS i and sewing lights to electrify your treadle sewing machine We buy and eel used sewing machines Parts and exnert rkpah tor all makes of sewing machtnea Agent for New sew ing machine and' Kirby vacuum cleaner Hariatra Machine Shop 313 North 10th (Roar'rbf 1000 MainI 541 A WILL TRADE 1347 4 TiOOR 78 "OLD8 mobllo for naw IH or John Deere tractor Jim Castle Pawnee III Phone 58 OR JOHN DEERE MODEL lights starter and power lift with cul tivator and mounted plow rancesville Phone 8421 193 OLIVER 7v0 ROW OROP WITH" starter lights and cultivator Also 3 14 in Oliver Raydex bottom plowa Walter Zaras 3 miles west 3 miles north of Chalners ASHES AND RUBBISH HAULING Also cinders for sale Phono 3875 i 'ASHES AND' TRASH HAULED REA sonable Call Chet Painter Phone43y 'r' CABINETS MADE TO ORDER WORK guaranteed Oehrtmam Phone PLAIN SEWING rMEND Ing or bundle Ironing to do Phone JM5 or 2433 18th 8t Sv ANTED: WASHINGS AND Ings In my home at 1325 24th SCI Pjione 5811 ask for SSritzer KITCHEN CABINET BASE 5 2 compartment sink swinging faucet 37500 Lafayette Home Builders and Supply Company 1411 North 14th WALNUT DINING blue topcoat with detachable! liner 'excellent condition 3 suite and tan overcoat size 38 42 Phone 7494 after 8 METAL BED WITH SPRING AND mattress drop leaf breakfast table and 4 chairs Snow suit size 3 Girls boots size 10 and overshoes size 8 127 Washington i auto seat (Covers rubber floor mats door pane! kick pads leatherette arm rest covers for all cars and ord and Chevrolet trucks Ver Wiebe Supply Co" 112 Columbia St KROEHLER BATH" STOOL and corner lavatory: sheepllned coat size 40: coat size 38 40: JOO year old walnut bed oVorcoat Phone 3407 1 STANLEY ELECTRIC HANDSAW'With slide exit off attachment 'Table saw horse power motor 4 Inch jointer and stand Guy Hansen Bast uf Hiway Diner on South'43 OR "SALE: KELVINATOR electric refrigerator Needs seal on compressor As la '325 JPhbne" 4324v I BED cDmPLETE 313 Double bed innerspring mattress' and' springs 1000 Hartford Phone 2411 OR SAU SECOND HAND KITCH en sink large and kitchen eablnets Phono 65304 728 North Chauncey Weet Lafayette jt ft 2 PIECE LIVING iROOM SUITE EXTRA good condition 'Maple breakfast set 12 rug both good condition 2710 Main' Phone 8094 1 19 NORTH EAST MONITORDick Peters Lafayette 4 HEAVY METAL' HOG EEDER BIG stock on hands armore eed Store Eleven ewes and one buck Phone 41547 Clint Conaroe BOARDING? KENNELS Newhousej Veterinary Hospital Ph 0 Rd 53 Edge Heated kennel outaide runs We eell dog meal and frozen horse meat EMatn St Road mile Phone WALLACE boarding KENNELS PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS DISC recording We have complete sound systems for rent and ready for installa tion Coverage up to 4000 people Lehnen Radio Sales and Service 1727 East Main Phone 5803 PIANO PROMPT SERVICE Dependable repairing Go anywhere Arlie Bolerjack 'Phone 81884 See the Lester Betsy Ross Spinets famous for 59 veara Bee jay Piano Clinic Phone 3007 04 Main Lafayette LAAYETTE VENETIAN BLIND SKR vtce 509 North 8th We clean re tape re cord Venetian bllnda 3 weeks delivery on custom made blinds Choice of color In tape and alata Aleo tape covered with drapery material Phone 8828 or 7530J MALE HELP SALARY PLUS BOARD room and laundry Call In person at Wlljlam Ross Sanatorium Phone 5749 STEADY MANITO WORK on poultry farm No house available Inquire at Wallace Hatchery 2 North Second A i i DAY 'OR NIGHT WORK 50 hour week Steady work See Mr VanCamp Men's Residence Hall south Service office or iial 92 2480? MAN ROUND work on Good house with elec To tart work Dec 15 or 20 Must have referencea Write Box 7 Journal and CouHer MINERAL EED SALES i man Home every night Must have car Pleasant' and profitable work arm experience preferred Write Mid west M'neral Company Greenwood Ind WANTED MARRIED jMAN OR year around 'farm 'work 'Good house with electricity urnish references with reply to Box 0 18 Journal and Courier' 1 1 4 RED SHORTHORN COW GIVING rour gallons or mux pee aay iui freshen next Juna Phon 7S229 RE8H AND CLOSE UP SPRINGER dairy eowa John Grubb old Gin grich dairy at Heath Buck Greek pbona POLAND CHINA BOARS BRED 'TO feed Just what the doctor ordered to sir those April May and June nigs Eight miles east and 21 north of Rensselaer Dean Jordan and Sona 18 GOOD WHITE 1 ACE 5 YR OLD cows bred to Shdrthorn bull to calve in April 8150 head' 1 mile west 3 miles north of Chalmera Phona 821 Joe Zarse OR PUREBRED HAMPSHIRE boara Immunized Ready for ser vlce The heavy boned dean bodied feeding kind Three miles west of Wolcott on 24 Remington phone 401G TWO OUR YEAR OLD GUERNSEY cows' fresh with calves: one five year bld Jersey with heifer calf Aleo 15 Jersey and Guernsey springers Mo Cord Steele 4U miles southeast Pine Village DAIRY COWS OR SALS AT ALL timea or close up springer Jerseys or Guernsora inancing ar ranged If needed Rose Ramer first 'arm south of Americus on Buck Creek road Phon 'Buck Creek 4620 ROAN POLLED SHORTHORN COW 5 years a six gallon cow as' good is found in registered breeda One com ing 3 year old roan heifer fresh by Jan 14th good one Ed Allen 4 ml southeast of Mulberry PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING Paper shown in your home all work guaranteed Rtione4531T 1 OR CRUSHED STONE GRAVEL sand cinders and rubbtxfi call 6316 or 35352 LIGHT HAULING Millwood for sala Prompt aarvica Call APPLES BEST VARIETIES TOP quality NP Sunday salea Barn hart 8 miles south Delphi BEORE THEY REEZE Priced right: cider Mlle south Pvr mot Brn containers No Sunday aalea Verne Keaeler i TRAVEL AND EXCURSION A WANT RIDE TO LORIDA ST Petersburg ar Lakeland Phone 2529 COURTNEY GENERAL1 HOME' RE pair Painting roofing electric wlr ing wall plura eta Phone 81091 1103 North Tth PIANO TUNING 'AND REPAIRING Estimates Karl Bartenbach 1001 Wells 8t Lafayetta Phone 4936 If no answer call 38124' ALL' KINDS ELECTRICAL WIR ins' done reasonably All work guar anteed PHONE: 4703 ATER PM WB SPECIALIZE JN GLASS RB placement aervlca Quick dependable service at treasonable prices Mirrors reallrered Glass Shop 413 North Third St Phone (7343 A SHING MACHINE SERVICE White wringer rolla Parts for all washers and sweepera Radio repair Phone 7078 337 South st Appliance Shop CLOGGED SEWERS THOROUGHLYcleaned the modern method Exclu ctve genuine Roto Rooter representative In Lafayetta ree eatlmatea Phono 5334 BAZAAR AND CHILI SUPPER Thursday 5 7 Mra 7:30 3:00 Trinity church BARTENBACH PIANb TECH nlclan 1001 Wells st LafayettaPhone 4328 If no answer eall 34124 SA2AAR AND BAKE SALE WED nesday? December 3rd atSt Evangelical and Reformed llth and Elizabeth St Yes We Have Them Health Matic House? Scales HOMB DECORATORS PAINTING hanging Wallpaper shown in vour home Phone 33471 HAVE YOUR OLD HATS MADE TO look lik the latest style by an ex perienced milliner Phone 3858 NEW TRUCK WITH 3 YAKD DUMP bed ready to haul your gravel sand and general 'hauling Cinders and road gravel for eala Phone 48544 3 ft COATS SIZE '18 5 1 overcoat 40 ooat size 12 1 coat stse 14 1 red jumper 60 Bee Vac sweeper 3700 18' Barred Rock pullets 3135 each Henfy Dexter 2 Lafayette GOOD 3 12 RUG AND PAD 2 matching throw rugs Large cherry drop leaf table wool suit winter coat with fur coUar Black Caracul' fur' fingsr tip coat All size 14 Phone 68804 WE INVITE YOU" TO COME JpUT and look over pun line of Christmas gift and toys Open till 3:00 tonight eaturing nationally known merchan dise at lowest prices Compare you will agree Lafayette Home Builders and Supply1411 14th BEDROOM SUITE STUDIO COUCH: dresser breakfastsets metal 3 way cabinet kitchen Tabinets roll way bed twin beds and bicycles oil burne heating stoves: several sleds' doll buggy: apartment size bottle gas stove table top gas stoves sewing machines wheel chair: kitchen1 sink: wardrobe library tables complete metal beds baby bed apart ment size washer Sims urniture 403 Union TYPEWRITERS: I YOU ARE LOOK lag for a good rebuilt typewriter any make guaranteed the same as a new machine for one year we have it Our prices very reasonable and we guarantee to save you money We are open all day until nine at night Sun days all day Drive over and look this fine line of typewriters over and pick yourself out a bargain We also have some nice new posture chairs on casters with swl ver seat very reasonable Also some new typing tables on casters Gregory Bower 505 East Third 8t owler' Indiana i HELP EMALE GRILL COOK WAITRESS and dish washer Call 7887 DISHWASHER APPLY IN person 408 Main Walgreen Drug LADY OR GENERAL HOUSEWORK 2 mornings a week 2007 Thompson Phone 65813 WANTED IMIDDLE AGED LADY1 TO in office Room and board in cluded' Phone 3778 KNOWN 'COMPANY has1 January 1348 opening for young woman 22 45 ree to travel All ex penses paid Including transportatson Hotel and meals plus attractive earn ing 860 3135 weekly in addition to expenses Interest in dramatics help fill Nn eanvavalnv hnrtlf BAIHdC Permanent if vou can qualify Write Webb 826 Law Building Kansas City Missouri SWEET POTATOES Porta Ricans reds 8200 per bu basket Back door at 1018 8 Hh St MUSIC INSTRUMENTS i EXCAVATING Basem*nts a specialty Grading andj UliDg' ill gravel fill dirt top dirt gravel sand and cinders for sale? ft JlOiuJs tRnd lanes: built Herb Vapderyeen Phone 6669 "MACHINE AND VACUUM' CLEANER REPAIRS Genuine parts used on all Singer machines ree estimates made in homes All work guaranteed SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 529 MAIN NOTlpoae! discontinued our rug and "upholstery cleaning until April Will start making appointments 'about March 20th Watch for ad HAROLD HAYDEN SERVICES yEKEU ANTED: WASHINGS NO IRONINGS? Phone 81093 WANTED IRONINGS TO DO IN MY hom*o Phono 2294 IS CARPENTER BUIL'dTNG AND RE i pairing Phone 83881 WASHINGS IRONINGS REASON S' able 808 5th COAL URNACE INSTALLATION AND repairing Phono 35602 ROBERT 'W SMILEY JEWELER THE WEDDING RING STORE I Alb Prices I Diamond Set Plain gold' PHONE '6798 ROBERT' SMILEY Main Street' CREDIT WITH A SMILE AUTO BODY AND ENDER Rebullders needed at once No ex perlence necessary We will trail you on modern equipment In our shop Im mediate openings for Vets or Non Vets Details can be had about thi train ing Man Box 0 9 Journal Coarler BIGGEST IN HISTORY OR Rawlelgh Dealers Low direct from factory Wholesale prices mean larger profits Supply large number of steady customers trip after' trip "with 200 household necessities opening Write Dept INL 290 216M reeport Ill i Cl ARK JEWEL GAS' STOVE PIANOwalnut bedroom suit 71372 kEW BUDGET ONE TON ELECTRIC hoiat ilnqulxe 1317 South 2 4 th 1 after 6:30 DOUBLE WALNtfT: BED BOW ENDS Box spring mattresa 33000' Phono 75182 or 2386 5 DURO THERM OIL STOVE 1' room 'Guy East Hiway Diner on South "48 Highway 3 OR NEW 10 GENERAL Electric refrigeratof Immediate de livery DeSutter Attica Ind LOST AND OUND RIGHT REAR SKIRT 1941Cadillac Saturday night Call 2786 LOST: 760 0 TIRE AND RIM inder please contact REMC office at Delphi BY MISTAKE I TOOK WRdNG TAN camel hair top coat at Melody Mill aY A Saturday night Hyde clothes label In one I have Who mine? Phone 2604 7 tl I th SLIGHTLY USED STOKER' CHEAP New oil apace heater loor furnaces Phone 48602 PLENTY GOOD WOOD AND GOAL heating stovea Store 408 Union 12 HANDAPAINTED DINNER PLATES 12 hand painted pie platen Call after 5 pm 45633 MONTGOMERY' ARD 'WASHING machine Good condition Phone 46834 1601 ft i 'S OR our used tires 09 18 and tubes Phone 46732 COOKING UTENSILS Minus salesman's cut 37000 Ill JV Wood Phone 7573X TABLE AND 2 CHAIRS doll crib doll hfghchalr rock ing Chair several dolla Phone 2748 OR SALE OR TRADE NEW JEEP engine and power tamp block ma Phone 6794 BLACK QUILTED LINING ooat Nailhead trim Largo roastpr Antique' waah stand Phone 4 dvERCOAT SHIRTS sweater and ehoes iLadyr dreases and shoes 1000 Hartford St rPhona 3411 7 in i 8 lwtiw i I 111 "I1" si I DONT ft DELAY USE OUR DAY away Bride dolls '8795 Tricycle newest models 31645 31745 Scooters real values 3144 3745 Lafayette Home Builders and Supply Company 1411 North 14th IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ELECTRIC RERIGERATORS cu ft with J9 frozen food lock er fvertftr Rt 195950 Bold on easy term of $4950 down ana 919 nor month Westinghouse Appliance Shoo 123 North PerrvSU Attica ind Phone 299X HONEY or sale direct from our plant 25c In your container Open 'until 6 819: 8 St on rear of lot ARMYSURPLUS Pair 498 erryi I Phone 2476 SHARPENING Sclsskra knives saws and tools Key and "lock service 203 211 Sth St $375 EACH 100 'wool Army blankets (large size) 1 perfecte ELEVENS 408 erry" ft Phone 2478 Evans Zeppo Regent Ronson Bowers Berkley Pipes: Kaywoodie Yellow Bowl Danco Meerschaum supplies most complete line in Indiana A CIGAR STORE MAIN 'VISIT OUR LIGHTINGIXTURE DISPLAY BEORE YOU BUY We carry a ooniplete? stock WOLEVER ELECTRIC CO 642 Main St 4 SEE THE LARGE SELECTION XMAS GITS THE BLUE STAR AUTO STORE 628 Main Street A GOOD 5 CENT $250 PERBOX Riley Cigar Store 713 Main BICYCLES Ladles 83895 to 5775 83895 to 5775 GUARANTEE TIRE AND RUBBER CO 532 Main St Phone 3388 SMILEY'S THE DIAMOND RING STORE Any Price Any Quality Any Size BUY THEM ON TIME PHONE 6798 ROBERT SMILEY 646 Main Street CREDIT' WITH A SMILE XXft 'PUBLIC SEATING Chrome Wood Aluminum Chairs Tables Booths Settees Stools etc 'TIPPECANOE UPHOLSTERING 1010 Main Phone 6331 PERMANENT POSITION NOW OR 'BY January 1 6 or 5U day weak 5H days preferred shorthand 'and typing required Please give agw and fullgrtlculars tn first letter This poeitlon jas good working quarter and po feilltle Write Bbx 13? Journal and Courier 'li I Wanted experienced help for soda fountain and luncheori operation? Good hours and good salary Apply in per son If! BARTLETT DRUG West' Lafayette Employment Young lady between the ages 18 30' AHigh school educa tion? Business office experi ence' Must be able to meet public Write legible APPLY 'IN '9 to 12 1 to 3 MR BOWEN Lafayette Journal and 5 Courier i a yr HELP EITHER SEX If You Can We have a good position open z1 It 'Will payyou to inquire about this job Apply Purdue Unions Cafeteria SITUATIONS WANTED MAN WANTS PART TIME JOB from 5 pm to 12 Phona 3206 WANTED CUSTOM BUTCHERING James Bowles Ind 1 ROOMS OR RENT LARGE MODERN ROpM: AND BATH 421 Agher Bt SLEEPING ROOMS INQUIRE 429 Union SLEEPING 'ROOMS tOR THREE ON bus line 706 Highland (9th and KoBsuth) LARGE ROOM TO SHARE WITH EM ployed firl On bu line Phone 4484 COMORTABLE ROOM OR ONE OR two gentlemen In private home On bus line Phone 83761 MODERN ROOM OR ONE OR TWO gentlemen 21 28th St One block from bus Phone 36862 2 SLEEPING ROOMS OR RENT near Columbian Park Near bus line Girls preferred Phone 41034 SLEEPING' ROOM OR EMPLOYED man Adjoining bath Private en trance Garage Phone 56472 CONVENIENT COMORTABLE 'ROOM Double or single: Tor students or forking tn Phone 2479 WANTED PURDUE STUDENT TO share large upsftalrs front room single bed innerspring mattress gas heat 628 erry Phone 2118 TWO SLEEPING ROOMS OR gentlemen Automatic heat aoft water Innerspring mattresses 614 North 8th' Phone 36592 or 3927 LIGHTHOUSEKEEPING ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM TOrent 1107 Main HOUSES OR RENT TRAILER SPACE 812 PER MONTH Runn ng a ater available to al! trail ers Plentv hot and cold water Toilet and laundry facilities Drv cleaning Plant and grocery in park Convenient bxn Rcrvlce tn town and Purdue Maplea Trailer Park north on 8 highway No 52 Wm Hammond Mgr WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO IVE ROOMS or more Must have by Jan 1 Call 46862 EMPLOYED YOUNG COUPLE WANTS 3 or 4 room unfurnished apartjnent Phone 4731 WANTED TO BUILDING OR bnsinriM by Jan 1 Write Box 8 Journal and Courier HOUSE OR APARTMENT URNISHED or unfumiehed Pleaee nhone 4055 Havwood Publishing Co NEED URNISHED OR UNURNtSH ed house or apartment to 8100 Gtrla 8 and 1 Call Monticello 210W collect EMPLOYED COUPLE DESIRE THREE room unfumisherf apartment within two months No children or pets Phone 35664 after 6 p'm WANTED' House or Apartments Must Have By anuary 1st Call Sheriffs Office Phone 2076 or Residence Phone 7779 HOUSEHOLD GOOD 50 LB COOLERATOR GOOD CON dttjon Reasonable Phone 81392 APARTMENT SIZE RERIGERATOR in A condition Phone 46283 BUNK BED SPRINGS MATTRESS tables' Hollywood bed 51T Wall St McCASKEY 8Y8TEM ILING CAB inet solid mahogany case 34124 OR DAY BED WITH SLIP In good' condition Phone 8023 NEW DOUBLE BED MATTRESS 810 Apt 518 1: Airport Boad Lafayi ette ft LEAVING MUST SELL IMME diately Lovely 3 pc rench pro vincial bedroom suite with glass tops 8 pc walnut diningroom suite glass top table and buffet chifforobe waxed birch finish sewing machine Pheae 3648L 7 irxr'ir A.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.