Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (2024)

Reaching a prime spot on search engines is a critical goal for businesses seeking to enhance their online visibility and attract more traffic. Digital marketers must continuously implement SEO strategies leveraging advanced SEO tools and techniques to ensure success in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Mastering the art of website ranking on search engines is an ongoing endeavor that encompasses all facets of online marketing, enabling businesses to maintain a competitive edge. By following a comprehensive process, industries can enhance website visibility and improve search engine rankings, thereby surpassing competitors in both the short and long term. In this blog, we will explore the concept of competitor SEO analysis and outline the necessary steps to elevate your ranking above the competition.

What is SEO competitor analysis?

SEO competitor analysis is a process that helps you in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors who are running the same business as you. It will enable you to adopt marketing strategies by knowing your competitors' strategies to gain more traffic, conversions, and leads for your business. Monitoring your competitors is essential as it allows you to catch up with your competitors and outperform them in the long run. Competitor SEO is also critical from all perspectives businesses need to work on, like keyword research, optimizing content and images, and adding videos, links, etc. There are various competitor analysis tools that are used by businesses that help your website rank higher on SERP and thereby staying on the top among the SEO trends.

Steps to overthrow your competition and rank higher

Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (1)

1. Identify your competitors: Analyze the competitors that stand at par with your industry. This process shows their strengths, weaknesses, and the central areas where you can outperform them. You can start by performing a detailed analysis of your competitors. This covers areas like keywords, which keywords they are targeting, what SEO tools they use, and much more. Identifying competitors is challenging as there are hundreds of industries with the same niche as yours. Hence, businesses must carefully scrutinize the industry and the competitors who can dominate the digital marketing world in the long run. Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, etc., will enable you to identify the best competitors. Further, after placing your top competitors, please take the next step of diving into each one’s online presence and analyze what makes them successful.

2. Perform keyword research: Develop a strong keyword strategy by identifying high-volume keywords relevant to your businesses. Various tools like Google Keyword Planner and UberSuggest are used to select keywords with high search volume and low competition. Analyze where your competitors stand regarding keyword targeting, search volumes, and current rankings. The other important factor to consider is recognizing long-tail keywords that might have low search volumes but are easy to rank. Performing competitors' keyword research will help analyze your competitor's strategy and optimize your content accordingly, thus increasing the traffic for your website.

Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (2)

3. Optimize your content: Content is king, so writing unique and engaging content will give you a competitive advantage in the short and long run. For this, you must identify your niche and write entertaining and valuable content that matches your target keywords and niche and addresses your audience's needs and interests. Then, optimize your content for both users and search engines by adding links, images, videos, etc., to quickly drive traffic and bring conversions to your website.

Understanding your competitor's content strategy is the most crucial part of competitors' analysis, which involves how your content should be written, keeping in mind the SEO marketing practices. Also, check out for the constant updates brought out by Google and then embrace changes as per the algorithm. These rules are that they should match users' search intent and should solve their queries in the best possible way. A business should know that high-quality content is necessary for outranking SEO competitors.

4. Know your target audience: Competitors' SEO is essential in knowing your target audience, as whatever content a website presents is presented to the audience. Because of the audience, content can be ranked, and visitors are the only ones who can increase traffic. So, optimizing content by analyzing your competitors is very important for your target audience. SEO of websites is done to enhance website performance, and this can only be done when you optimize the content both for the search engines and the target audience. So, when you analyze your competition, identifying your target audience is a prerequisite criterion.

5. Use social media platforms:Social media marketingis critical when you want topromote your content. Competitor analysis also involves how a business comes to know whether they usesocial media platformsand channels to promote their business. Choosing social media platforms toboost brand awarenessis essential in today's landscape, given the widespread activity on platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more. Sharing content on these platforms can yield significant benefits for your brand.Social media auditingis necessary as it helps evaluate your competitor'ssocial media presence, helps identify platforms where they excel, and strategically establishes your brand on those platforms, attracting content and engagement.

6. Enhance on-page SEO elements: Enhance youron-page elements, includingtitle tags, meta descriptions, headers, andimage alt text. Ensure that each page is well-optimized to provide a greatuser experienceand convey the relevance of your content to search engines.Site structure assessmentis another aspect of competitor analysis, which features evaluating your competitors' site structures. Optimize yourownsite structure for user experience andsearch engine crawlability, ensuring a competitive advantage. Improving on-page SEO elements involves optimizing title tags, descriptions, headers, images, and alt text. This enhances site responsiveness and speed, ensuring an exceptional user experience.

7. Monitor analyze and adapt:Keep a close eye on your competitors' actions and adjust your policies to stay ahead in the market. To effectively adapt to competitor changes in the digital marketing world, you have to monitor the performance of your competitor's websites to make the required SEO changes in your business. You should be regularly updated with the latest trends and adopt the changes required forbusiness expansion. Analyze your competitors' content, strategies, and areas where they may be lacking to exploit opportunities for improvement. Stay updated on industry trends and forecast changes in competitor tactics to actively adapt your strategies. The business landscape constantly changes, so businesses must regularlymonitor market trends, customer preferences, and their competitors' strategies. Be ready to adapt and modify your SEO tactics as per themarket researchand respond to shifts in the digital landscape. Businesses need to stay vigilant with ongoingcompetitor analysis. Monitor changes in their strategies and adapt your approach to maintain a competitive advantage according tosearch engine algorithms.

8. Know about your website:You must understand yourownwebsite very well. Start with evaluating your existing SEO rankings, pointing out any weaknesses, and determining how ahead in the future you would like your business's search engine standing to progress. So before you analyze your competitor's website, ensure you have enough knowledge about your website. To compare your website with your competitor's websites, you will need the following metrics and they are:

A. Your competitor's keywords on which your competitor's business is ranking and you want to rank your business.
B. Your ranking position and their ranking position on Google. Yoursite visitor traffic: how much you collect, where it comes from, how well it converts.
C. Your page metrics from all social media platforms where you advertise your business.
D. What exactly does your niche contain and theirs?
E. Who is your target audience?

Also, various SEO tools likeGoogle Analytics,Google Search Console, and SEMrush are used to collect traffic data,backlink analysis,keyword rankingdata, and so on, as well as to assess your website and compare it with your competitors. Thus, evaluating your website's performance is an essential first step in implementing a successful competitorSEO strategy. Optimizing performance throughkeyword analysis,conversion rate optimization,social media metrics, and target audience analysis is important for gaining a competitive advantage.

Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (3)

9. Focus on local SEO:If your business targets a local audience, implementlocal SEOstrategies. Optimize your Google My Business profile, promote customer reviews, and ensure name, address, and phone number information are present across social platforms. Local SEO should be prioritized if your business is based in a physical place. This can be useful for drawing in new clients that live within your vicinity and competing with nearby businesses. The optimization for localized SEO improves a site’s general rankings because many users add geographic keywords as part of their search terms.

Conduct a thorough survey on their local SEO and attempt to use similar practices therein. Some of these are usinglocation-specific keywordsin the content, claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listingandearning links from local sites. Local SEO is essential for listing locally and comparing your business with competitors. Often,customer reviewsattract customers and boost your local search rankings.

Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (4)

10. Adopt a strong backlink strategy: Your competitor’s backlinks are one of the key ranking factors in SEO and will provide you with helpful information. Develop a healthy backlink strategy by earning high-quality, authoritative backlinks from a high-authority website. Reach out to industry influencers, engage in guest posting, and use social media platforms to enhance your content, attracting natural backlinks. Backlinks from websites with high authority and relevant content boost ranking. Find out whether it is a high-quality website or not.

Further, check theanchor textsof these backlinks, which should contain the primary keywords. Therefore, you will know what keywords most competitors use to get links and use this information to build better backlinks. So, analyzing your competitor’s backlinks and utilizing that information to design a better backlink strategy for your website is one of the essential SEO strategies. In addition, focus on developing unique and engaging content that will generate good-quality backlinks, as it will improve your SEO and position your website as an authority in your domain. You can further discover the backlink profiles of your competitors. Identifyhigh-quality backlinksand develop a strategy to gain better links to enhance your website’s authority.

Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (5)

11. Track and measure success: Evaluate your performance and monitor the effectiveness of your competitor’s SEO efforts to ensure continued success in outperforming your competition. Tracking success and measuring effectiveness are crucial aspects of competitor analysis. UtilizeSEO metricsand performance evaluation to assess the impact of your strategies. Analyze critical indicators such as search engine rankings,website traffic, and conversion rates to track and measure your progress. Regularly monitor and adjust your tactics based on data-based information for maximum results. Establish key performance indicators such asorganic traffic, keyword rankingsandconversion rates that align with your SEO goals to measure success. Utilize analytics tools to generate reports and review performance data, redefining your strategy based on competitor analysis.


Achieving mastery in SEO competitor analysis demands a continuous and dynamic approach, by implementing strategic thinking and comprehensive tactics. By conducting in-depth competitor analysis, optimizing content and on-page SEO elements,implementinga robust backlink strategy, you can outperform your competitors and secure superior rankings in search engine results.

By following these foremost approaches, you can surpass your competitors and ensure long-term success and growth for your business. You can alsooutsource SEO servicesfrom adigital marketing agencythat uses these strategies.Furtherby hiring a digital marketingexpertsyou can availvariousservices likeSEO copywriting services,SEO detox and penalty removal,prepareSEO reports,conductSEOaudit,content marketing,link buildingandvarious other services for your client. Also, if your business offers SEO services for local businesses likepainting SEO,plumbing SEO,construction SEO,appliance repair SEO,HVAC SEO,electricity SEO,roofing SEO,flooring SEO, etc. you can hire SEO professionals at OutsourceSEM to achieve the desired marketing goals.


-SEO competitor analysis: Discover your competitor’s keywords
-How to do an SEO competitor analysis + free template

Conducting SEO competitor analysis to rank higher on SERPs (2024)


How do you rank higher in SERP? ›

How To Improve SERP Rankings Using On-Page SEO
  1. Research Targeted Keywords. Keyword research is huge in the world of marketing. ...
  2. Create Quality Content. ...
  3. Understand Search Intent. ...
  4. Optimize Meta Description and Title. ...
  5. Optimize Media and Images. ...
  6. Update Your Content Over Time. ...
  7. Get More Backlinks. ...
  8. Create Guest Posts.
Sep 26, 2022

How to conduct competitor SEO analysis? ›

How do you perform an SEO competitor analysis?
  1. Identify your SEO competitors. ...
  2. Identify your most important keywords. ...
  3. Research your competitors' SEO strategy. ...
  4. Establish your content gap with competitors. ...
  5. Establish your link gap with competitors. ...
  6. Understand your technical website health.
Jul 25, 2023

When conducting a formal analysis of competitor serps, what four elements should you look at? ›

Let's briefly recap the steps you need to take to succeed in your SERP analysis: s: define your target keywords, analyze their search intent, assess the top-ranking pages, and examine their SERP features. After completing these steps, you will be aware of the strengths and weaknesses of each of your competitors.

What is a SERP analysis? ›

Search engine results page (SERP) analysis is the practice of analyzing the top-ranking pages for your desired keyword, spotting opportunities to rank for this keyword and trying to pinpoint difficulties in reaching the top of the search results. A SERP analysis demands that you: Search for the desired keyword.

How do you reach the top of SERPs? ›

Let's dive in!
  1. Target strategic keywords in your content plan. ...
  2. Perform SERP research for keywords & understand competitor strategies. ...
  3. Write optimized (unique, engaging, high-quality) content that satisfies reader intent. ...
  4. Follow snippet optimization strategies to appear in SERP features. ...
  5. Build backlinks to content.
Jun 27, 2023

How to increase SERPs? ›

Consider the following tips to improve your SERP and site traffic.
  1. Use the right keywords. Your choice of keywords is important for SEO. ...
  2. Don't ignore technical SEO. ...
  3. Use original images and optimize them. ...
  4. Build quality backlinks. ...
  5. Boost underperforming pages.

What are the major steps in conducting a competitor analysis? ›

6 Steps to Performing a Competitive Analysis
  • Identify competitors. The first step to doing a competitive analysis is identifying your competitors. ...
  • Analyze competitors' online presence. ...
  • Check online reviews. ...
  • Talk to competitors' customers. ...
  • Identify their strengths and weaknesses. ...
  • Use research tools.
Apr 5, 2021

How do you conduct SEO analysis? ›

How to Conduct an SEO Analysis
  1. Check Your Visibility on Google.
  2. Check URLs and Meta Descriptions.
  3. Analyze Titles and Headings.
  4. Evaluate Incoming Links.
  5. Analyze Your Spam Score.
  6. Check Your Internal Links.
  7. Investigate for Broken Links.
  8. Analyze Your Web Content.
Jan 22, 2024

What are the basic elements of SERP in SEO? ›

The organic search results, queries, and advertisem*nts are the three main components of the SERP, However, the SERP of major search engines, like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Sogou may include many different types of enhanced results (organic search, and sponsored) such as rich snippets, images, maps, definitions, answer ...

What are the three C's in competitive analysis? ›

By focusing on the 3 C's of product positioning – Customer, Competition, and Company – you can develop a compelling and differentiated product positioning that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from the competition.

What are the 4 steps in formal analysis? ›

There are four aspects of a formal analysis: description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation.

What is SERPs in SEO? ›

Search Engine Results Page (SERP) The page that a search engine returns after a user submits a search query. In addition to organic search results, search engine results pages (SERPs) usually include paid search and pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

What is a SERP competitor ranking? ›

A SERP competitor ranking analysis focuses on comparing your search engine results positions against those of your competitors for relevant keywords. This type of analysis provides insights into the SEO strategies and keywords your competitors are using to achieve their rankings.

How do you check your SERP ranking? ›

1) Manually search for keywords on Google and note the website's position in the search results. 2) Use a SERP checker tool such as SEOmator. These tools will show you the website's ranking for specific keywords in real time.

How do you rank high in search results? ›

Five Ways to Improve Your Site's Ranking (SEO)
  1. Publish Relevant, Authoritative Content. We believe that on-page SEO is the key to improving search engine success on Google and other search engines. ...
  2. Update Your Content Regularly. ...
  3. Metadata. ...
  4. Have a link-worthy site. ...
  5. Optimize for mobile and execute technical SEO.

How do you increase your SEO ranking? ›

Taking these steps can help improve your website SEO.
  1. Understand your online customers. ...
  2. Use keywords on your website. ...
  3. Update your content regularly. ...
  4. Get linked on other websites. ...
  5. Use meta tags in your content. ...
  6. Stay up to date with the latest SEO techniques.
Apr 9, 2024

What is a SERP ranking position? ›

There are several ways to check a website's Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) ranking: 1) Manually search for keywords on Google and note the website's position in the search results. 2) Use a SERP checker tool such as SEOmator. These tools will show you the website's ranking for specific keywords in real time.

How do I increase my CTR in SERP? ›

8 Ways to Increase Your Organic Clickthrough Rates
  1. Aim for the Top Spot on SERPs. ...
  2. Optimize SERP Snippets for Visibility. ...
  3. Use Jump Links to Boost Your CTR. ...
  4. Use the Right Keywords in the Right Places. ...
  5. Nail Your Search Intent. ...
  6. Write Irresistible SEO Titles. ...
  7. Craft Optimized Meta Descriptions. ...
  8. Use SEO-friendly URL Structures.
Aug 22, 2022

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