Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (2024)

We found 16 travel money suppliers offering £750 worth of US dollars for delivery and accepting payment by debit card
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (1)You receive $945.90Exchange rate 1.2612Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Travel FX
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (2)You receive $945.68Exchange rate 1.2609Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Currency Online Group
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (3)You receive $943.23Exchange rate 1.2613Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
The Currency Club
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (4)You receive $943.16Exchange rate 1.2612Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (5)You receive $939.68Exchange rate 1.2529Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (6)You receive $939.68Exchange rate 1.2529Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
NM Money
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (7)You receive $937.96Exchange rate 1.2624Insured delivery £7.00Buy Now
Covent Garden FX
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (8)You receive $936.90Exchange rate 1.2492Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
John Lewis
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (9)You receive $936.90Exchange rate 1.2492Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (10)You receive $936.15Exchange rate 1.2482Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (11)You receive $936.00Exchange rate 1.248Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
ACE-FX Delivery
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (12)You receive $934.95Exchange rate 1.2466Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Sainsbury's Bank
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (13)You receive $934.43Exchange rate 1.2459Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Tesco Bank
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (14)You receive $931.74Exchange rate 1.2611Insured delivery £8.99Buy Now
Rapid Travel Money
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (15)You receive $928.50Exchange rate 1.238Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
Manor FX
Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (16)You receive $928.05Exchange rate 1.2374Insured delivery FreeBuy Now
ABTA Travel Money

Best US dollar exchange rate

It may come as no surprise that the US dollar is the most popular and widely-traded currency in the world. According to the Bank for International Settlements, nearly 90% of all foreign exchange trades involve the US dollar on one side of the transaction, and it's estimated that more than 60% of all the cash reserves held by central banks around the world are stored in US dollars.

If you're travelling to the USA, it's important to shop around and compare currency suppliers to maximise your chances of getting a good deal. We can help you to find the best US dollar exchange rate by comparing a wide range of UK travel money suppliers who have US dollars in stock and ready to order online now. Our comparisons automatically factor in all costs and commission, so all you need to do is tell us how much you want to spend and we'll show you the top suppliers who fit the bill.

Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (17)Compare before you buy

Some of the best travel money deals are only available when you buy online. By using a comparison site, you're more likely to see the full range of deals on offer and get the best rate.

Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (18)Order online

Always place your order online, even if you plan to collect your currency in person. Most supermarkets and high street currency suppliers offer better exchange rates if you order online beforehand.

Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (19)Combine orders

If you're travelling with others, consider placing one large currency order instead of buying individually. Many currency suppliers offer enhanced rates that improve as you order more.

What is the best US dollar exchange rate?

The best US dollar exchange rate right now is 1.2612 from Travel FX. This is based on a comparison of 16 currency suppliers and assumes you were buying £750 worth of US dollars for home delivery.

Where can I get the best US dollar exchange rate?

The best US dollar exchange rates are usually offered by online travel money companies who have lower operating costs than traditional 'bricks and mortar' stores, and can therefore offer better currency deals than their high street counterparts.

For supermarkets and companies who sell travel money online and on the high street, it's generally cheaper to place your order online and collect it from the store rather than turning up out of the blue and ordering over the counter. Many stores set their 'walk-in' exchange rates lower than their online rates because they can. By ordering online you're guaranteed to get the online rate and you can collect your order from the store as usual.

US dollar rate trend

Over the past 30 days, the US dollar rate is up 0.2% from 1.2612 on 14 May to 1.2637 today. This means one pound will buy more US dollars today than it would have a month ago. Right now, £750 is worth approximately $947.78 which is $1.88 more than you'd have got on 14 May.

These are the average US dollar rates taken from our panel of UK travel money providers at the end of each day. You can explore this further on our British pound to US dollar currency chart.

Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (20)

When is the best time to buy US dollars?

Timing is key if you want to maximise your US dollars, but the best time to buy will depend on the current market conditions and your personal travel plans.

If you have a fixed travel date, you should start to monitor the US dollar rates as soon as possible in the period leading up to your departure so that you've got time to buy when the rate is looking favourable. For example, if the US dollar rate has been steadily increasing over several weeks or months, it could be a good time to buy while the rate is high.

Some people prefer to buy half of their US dollars as soon as they've booked their holiday, and the remaining half just before they depart. This can be a good way of maximising your holiday money if the exchange rate continues to rise after you've bought, but will also help to minimise your losses if the rate drops.

You could also consider signing up to our newsletter and we'll email the latest rates to you each month.

If you need your US dollars sooner and don't have time to wait for the rates to improve, you can still save money by comparing rates from a range of different providers before you buy. Online travel money suppliers usually have better US dollar rates than high street exchanges, but supermarkets are a good compromise if you want to collect your currency in person and still get a decent rate. Just remember to buy or reserve your US dollars first before you collect them from the store so you benefit from the supplier's better online rate.

US dollar banknotes and coins

US dollars are governed and issued by the central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve, while the physical production of US dollar banknotes and coins is managed by the Department of the Treasury. Banknotes are printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington D.C., and coins are minted by the United States Mint which has facilities in various US cities including Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco.

One US dollar ($) can be subdivided into 100 cents (¢). There are seven denominations of US dollar banknotes in circulation: $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 which are frequently used, plus a rarer $2 bill which is not as widely circulated but is still printed and is legal tender.

All US dollar banknotes feature two insignias that are intended to represent different aspects of American culture and history. The first insignia, known as the Great Seal, depicts a bald eagle with a shield on its chest, holding an olive branch and arrows in its talons. Above the eagle's head is a banner with the Latin phrase "E Pluribus Unum" which means "Out of Many, One", and a constellation of 13 stars representing the original 13 American colonies. The second insignia is the seal of the Federal Reserve System. The front of the seal features an eagle holding a key which represents the Fed's role in controlling the money supply, and a scroll which represents the Fed's responsibility to regulate and oversee banks.

There are four US dollar coins in frequent circulation: 1¢, 5¢ (nickel), 10¢ (dime) and 25¢ (quarter). 50¢ and $1 coins are also minted but are not as widely used.

Dollars are colloquially referred to as 'bucks'. The name was originally used as slang term in 19th century poker games, where a 'buck' was a buck-handled knife that was passed from player to player to indicate whose turn it was to deal. If a player didn't want the responsibility of dealing, they could 'pass the buck' to another player. Over time, the term 'buck' came to be used more broadly to refer to a bet or a wager; eventually becoming synonymous with dollars.

US dollar banknote denominations
DenominationSterling equivalent
US dollar coin denominations
DenominationSterling equivalent

Which supermarket has the best US dollar exchange rate?

Waitrose has the best US dollar rate right now at 1.2492. You'll need to order online to guarantee this rate; it may be lower if you turn up unannounced and buy over the counter. You can buy your US dollars online and collect them from your nearest Waitrose travel money store if you don't want to wait for home delivery.

Is it better to buy US dollars in the USA?

There's no evidence to suggest that you'll get a better deal if you buy your US dollars in the USA. While there may be better exchange rates available in some locations, your options for shopping around may be limited once you arrive, and there's no guarantee the exchange rates will be any better than they are in the UK.

Exchange rates aside, here are some other reasons to avoid buying your US dollars in the USA:

  • You may have to pay commission or other hidden fees to a currency exchange that you wouldn't have paid in the UK
  • Your bank may charge you a foreign transaction fee if you use it to buy US dollars when you're abroad
  • It can be harder to spot scammers and fraudulent currency exchanges in the USA

Lastly, it can be handy to have some cash on you when you arrive at your destination so you can pay for any immediate expenses like food, transport and tips. You don't want to be searching for the nearest currency exchange when you've just landed and you're desperate for a cup of tea - or a co*cktail!

Tips for saving money while visiting the USA

The USA has a high standard of living, and prices are generally comparable to the UK for things like accommodation, food and transport. Hawaii, New York and California are generally considered to be the expensive states to visit, while Kentucky, Mississippi and Arkansas are among the cheapest.

  • Research your accommodation: One of the best ways to save money is by opting for budget accommodation. Hostels, guest houses and AirBnB can be much more affordable than hotels, especially if you rent a room instead of an entire apartment. Hostel chains like Hostelling International, Freehand Hostels and Selina operate modern, budget-friendly accommodation in most large US cities.
  • Use public transport: Private taxis and rental cars are an expensive way to get around, so make the most of busses, trains and metros wherever possible. Look out for discounted travel passes like CityPASS and Go Card to save even more on standard fares.
  • Eat like a local: The USA is synonymous with fast food restaurants, but diners are another major staple of American dining which offer large portions of classic American dishes at affordable prices. Or, for a healthier option, consider shopping in local grocery stores and cooking your own meals if your accommodation has a kitchen.
  • Plan your itinerary: Research free attractions in whatever city you're staying in and plan your itinerary around these. Many museums, botanical gardens and historical sites offer free entry, and there are over 60 National Parks across the US, many of which are free to enter such as Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, Olympic National Park in Washington D.C. and Acadia in Maine.
  • Find discount vouchers: Many tourist attractions and activities offer discount vouchers and codes that can save you money on entry fees and other perks. Look for vouchers online; sign up to newsletters and follow the social media accounts of places you're planning to visit.
  • Take cash: Using cash will help you to stick to a budget more easily than paying by card, and you'll also avoid foreign transaction fees. If you do take a card with you, look out for ATMs that are affiliated with your UK bank to avoid ATM fees, and if you're asked whether you want to pay in pounds or US dollars - always choose US dollars. If you pay in pounds the merchant can set their own exchange rate which won't be in your favour.

Choosing the right payment method

Sending money to a company you might not have heard of before can be unsettling. We routinely check all the companies that feature in our comparisons to make sure they meet our strict listing criteria, but it's still worth knowing how your money is protected in the unlikely event a company goes bust and you don't receive your order.

Bank transfer

Your money is not protected if you pay by bank transfer. If the company goes bust and you've paid by bank transfer, it's unlikely you'll get your money back. For this reason, we recommend you pay by debit or credit card wherever possible because they offer more financial protection.

Debit card

Debit cards are the most popular payment method and they offer some financial protection. If you pay by debit card and the company goes bust, you can instruct your bank to make a chargeback request to recover your money from the company's bank. This isn't a legal right, and a refund isn't guaranteed, but if you make a chargeback request your bank is obliged to try and recover your money.

Credit card

Credit cards offer full financial protection, and your money is protected by law under Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act. Section 75 states that your card issuer must refund you in full if you don't receive your order. Be aware that many credit cards charge a cash advance fee (typically around 3%) for buying currency, so you may have to weigh up the benefits of full financial protection with the extra cost of using a credit card.

Best US Dollar Exchange Rates | Compare US Dollar Suppliers (2024)
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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.